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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-23 16:58



热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 12:04

Methanol and natural gas proction plant is my indispensable auxiliary proction materials, in the process of gathering and transportation of natural gas, e to the formation of hydrates easily plug the pipeline, the impact of proction, in order to avoid the formation of hydrate plug pipelines, natural gas gathering and transportation needs in the process of in methanol injection to rece the freezing point of the hydrates. The actual gas proction after pipeline hydrate plug deplugging for the use of methanol, methanol consumption is much larger than the volume of gas added to normal, resulting in greater waste of methanol. Yulin operations in Southern District, the jurisdiction of the Second District more gas, and a large number of alcohol injection of natural gas will not only increase proction costs,
At the same time to the operation area of the site management has brought a great deal of inconvenience. In this paper, the proction of methanol and natural gas consumption characteristics and discussed the implementation of countermeasures, the standard cost of the operation of research evaluation, combined with the actual management of our factory, active in the promotion of the standard cost effective to rece methanol consumption, saving proction costs and achieve the refinement of operations management.
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