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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 02:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 22:42

If there is a British Watergate who will expose it and track it down?(The Times)
此后,gate亦成了意味scandal的后缀,几乎所有的丑闻都用-gate,不像以前那样用"affair"或"scandal",如"Bert Lance affair"和"Adams-Goldfine scandal"。记者们利用它不断造出新词。下面是几个例子。


Irangate伊朗门事件或伊朗丑闻。指1985年里根执政时的白宫顾问背着国会与伊朗搞秘密武器交易,以“赎回”在黎巴嫩被绑架的美国人质。以此,他还把卖武器所得的部分款项秘密地转交给反对尼加拉瓜*的叛乱分子(contras),所以此事也称Iran-Contra scandal。*后来有两位*被判刑,而里根却将此事推得一干二净,所以他们被认为是“过失不沾边的总统”(Teflon President)。

Teapot Domeegate蒂波特山丑闻,茶壶顶丑闻。指1923年美国总统哈定任内的的内*福尔所犯的石油舞弊案。他将怀俄明州的茶壶顶和加利福尼亚州艾尔克山的海军石油保留地秘密租给私人公司经营而从中受贿,事发后被判刑入狱。此事发生在水门事件(Watergate)之前,以前均作Teapot Dome scandal。

Lancegate兰斯丑闻。指1977年美国卡特*任预算*的(T.)Bert Lance因被揭露有不正常的金融行为而*辞职一事。此事发生在水门事件以前,以前均作(Bert)Lance Affair。


Travelgate履行办公室人事丑闻。1993年克林顿总统上台不久,就将白宫旅行办公室主任Billy Dale等人解职,并控告他们挪用*,然后安排其一个远亲接替Dale的职务。经过调查,联邦*宣告Dale等人无罪。此事使克林顿夫妇遭到共和党人和*的强烈批评,并称之为丑闻。

Zipgate拉链门,性丑闻。源自美国总统与白宫实习生莫妮卡.莱温斯基(Monica Lewinsky)的桃色事件,并因此而导致国会对克林顿*案的大辩论,使他险遭*。

Richgate里奇丑闻。指美国总统克林顿在2001年卸任前赦免了逃犯马克.里奇(Marc Rich)。这位在1983年潜逃的商人受到51项逃税和诈骗罪的指控,其中包括在伊朗1979年爆发*并扣留美国使馆工作人员作人质期间仍与伊朗做生意。由于里奇的前妻向阿肯色总统图书馆捐了100多万美元,这家图书馆现在买得起大约4万本这位前总统于2001年出版的自传。据报道,这些都与他能获得特赦有关。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 22:42


热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 22:42


* Baftagate — Controversy surrounding votes at the 1991 BAFTA television awards.
* Bandargate — A political scandal in Bahrain surrounding attempts by government officials to rig the parliamentary elections and politically marginalize the Shia population.
* Betsygate — Allegations that former United Kingdom Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan Smith had put his wife Betsy on his payroll, without her actually doing any work.
* Billygate — U.S. President Jimmy Carter's brother, Billy Carter, legally represented the Libyan government as a foreign agent.
* Bingogate — A scandal that occurred ring the administration of former Premier of British Columbia Michael Harcourt, involving the skimming of charity funds for use by the ruling NDP.
* Bertiegate — Controversy surrounding Bertie Ahern, Taoiseach of Ireland, receiving money from a speaking engagement while Minister for Finance.
* Cameragate — See Spygate (2).
* Camillagate — Tape of a telephone conversation between Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker-Bowles
* Cheriegate — Concerning Cherie Blair's association with Carole Caplin, and through her to the convicted fraudster Peter Foster.
* Chicanegate — Regarding McLaren's Lewis Hamilton and his cutting of the Bus Stop-chicane ring a fight for race position with Ferrari's Kimi Räikkönen to win the 2008 Belgian Grand Prix, and the subsequent penalty which stripped Hamilton of the win.
* Coingate — The mishandling of Ohio government funds entrusted to Republican operatives, involving rare coin funds
* Colegate — Ashley Cole had an inappropriate and illegal meeting with Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho and Chelsea CEO Peter Kenyon in January 2005.
* Contragate — See Irangate.
* Corngate — A political scandal in New Zealand which in 2002, involved the suspected release of genetically modified corn seed in 2000.
* Dianagate — See Squidgygate.
* Fallagate — 2007 political scandal in Guernsey over an attempt to avoid a political conflict of interest over a hospital extension plan.
* Fajitagate — In November 2002, three off-ty San Francisco police officers allegedly assaulted two civilians over a bag of steak fajitas (which were mistaken as drugs), leading to the arrest of the chief of police.
* Fiascogate — Rapper Lupe Fiasco flubbed the lyrics to A Tribe Called Quest's song "Electric Relaxation" ring a performance at the VH1 Hip-Hop Honors.
* Filegate — The illegal possession and scrutiny of 300-900 FBI files by the Clinton Administration without the file's subject's permission.
* Forest Gategate — The shooting by armed police of an innocent terrorist suspect in Forest Gate, London in 2006.
* Grannygate — A scandal in rugby league involving New Zealand players and their family history. The term was most recently invoked in the 2006 Rugby League Tri-Nations series, where New Zealand was penalised for fielding former Queensland hooker Nathan Fien.
* Hookergate — The U.S. Cunningham scandal in which defense contractors paid bribes to members of Congress and officials in the U.S. Defense Department, in return for political favors in the form of federal contracts.
* Iguanagate — New South Wales Ecation Minister John Della Bosca was stood down from the ministry and his wife, Federal MP Belinda Neal, ordered to undergo anger management counselling after they had an argument with staff at the Iguanas Waterfront restaurant on the NSW Central Coast.
* Indygate — Seven Formula One teams pull out of the 2005 United States Grand Prix following tire failures and the inability to come to a compromise with the FIA.
* Irangate or Contragate (usually referred to as the Iran-Contra Affair) — The Reagan Administration sold weapons to Iran and diverted the proceeds to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua.
* Iraqgate — A Finnish scandal involving the leaking of secret documents to Anneli Jäätteenmäki, which helped bring down Paavo Lipponen's government. Later, it also brought down Jäätteenmäki’s government.
* Katrinagate (also "FEMAgate") — Used by people who disapproved of government response to Hurricane Katrina.
* Jerseygate — A Boston Red Sox jersey placed under a concrete slab in the New Yankee Stadium by a Red Sox fan wishing to put a curse on the New York Yankees was removed in 2008.
* Kazakhgate — Scandal surrounding James Giffen, an American businessman and former advisor of Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan, who paid $78 million in bribes to high-level Kazakhstani officials to secure the oil contracts for Western companies in the 1990s.
* Lipstickgate (1) — The collective controversies in 2007 Renton, Washington city council politics, which included the word "BITCH" being written in red lipstick on the mayor's bathroom mirror ring a city council meeting, four council members being sued collusionby a fifth, and a heated mayoral race between incumbent Kathy Keolker and Councilman Denis Law.
* Lipstickgate (2) — The brouhaha associated with Barack Obama's use of the saying "putting lipstick on a pig" ring a campaign trail speech.
* Monicagate, Lewinskygate, Tailgate, or Sexgate ("Zippergate", "the Lewinsky scandal") — named after Monica Lewinsky who had an "inappropriate relationship" with the then-U.S. President Bill Clinton.
* Monstergate — Scandal involving Obama foreign policy advisor Samantha Power, in which she resigned after calling Hillary Clinton a "monster," as reported by The Scotsman newspaper.
* Muldergate — South African political scandal of the late 1970s in which funds were clandestinely diverted by defence minister Connie Mulder for overseas propaganda in support of the apartheid regime. The scandal brought about the downfall of BJ Vorster.
* NAFTAgate — Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Chief of Staff Ian Brodie reveals to the media a document leak revealing that the Canadian government should not worry about U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama's anti-North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) rhetoric.
* Nannygate — Rob Lowe's nanny sues him for sexual harassment.
* Nipplegate — Justin Timberlake reveals Janet Jackson's nipple ring the halftime show of Super Bowl XXXVIII.
* Paintergate — Occurred in 2002 when it was revealed that New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark had signed a piece of art which she did not paint.
* Paragate — Several Colombian congressmen and other politicians indicted for suspicions of colluding with the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia and other paramilitary groups involved in Colombia's forty-year armed conflict
* Partgate — NASCAR team owner Jack Roush accuses fellow team Michael Waltrip Racing of stealing a sway bar at a test session. Waltrip later admits they had the part, but it was taken accidentally.
* Passportgate — The controversy ring the 2008 U.S. presidential primary elections which manifested first as a report that a contractor employee for the U.S. State Department had accessed Barack Obama's passport file. It was subsequently reported that the files of Hillary Clinton and John McCain were also similarly accessed.
* Peppergate — Pepper-spraying of peace demonstrators by the RCMP ring an APEC summit in Vancouver in November 1997.
* Pizzagate — An incident involving a slice of pizza thrown at Sir Alex Ferguson by an Arsenal player.
* Plamegate (also "Leakgate", "CIA leak scandal", "Plame affair") — The revealing, by Robert Novak, of the name of Valerie Plame. Lewis Libby allegedly leaked to the media the identity of a covert CIA agent who worked on WMDs, in retaliation for her husband, Joseph C. Wilson, criticizing George W. Bush's justification for the invasion of Iraq.
* Rathergate (also "Memogate") — Faxed copies of forged memos, that were presented on 60 Minutes in 2004, claimed President George W. Bush was derelict in his ty in the Texas Air National Guard in 1972.
* Reutersgate — The controversy over Reuters photographer Adnan Hajj manipulating news photos with Photoshop.
* Rinkagate — A 1976 scandal in which Jeremy Thorpe, leader of the UK Liberal Party, lost his position and his seat in Parliament after being accused of involvement in an unsuccessful attempt to murder an alleged former gay lover. Thorpe was eventually acquitted, but the scandal and an unrelated personal illness ended his career. "Rinka" refers to a Great Dane that was killed in the attack.
* Sirengate — A controversial match in Australian Rules Football when the umpire failed to hear the final siren allowing the St Kilda Football Club to score an extra point and draw the match. 4 days later the AFL overturned the result and awarded Fremantle Football Club as the winners of that match.
* Shawinigate — A 1999 Canadian scandal involving then-Prime Minister Jean Chrétien's profiting from real estate deals in his home riding of Shawinigan, Quebec
* Spitgate — the argument in Big Brother 9 UK in which Dennis spat in Mohammed's face and was ejected.
* Spygate (1) — The controversy surrounding the 2007 Formula One espionage controversy.
* Spygate (2) — The controversy surrounding the NFL's New England Patriots' taping of defensive signals.
* Squidgygate/Dianagate — tape of a telephone conversation between Diana, Princess of Wales and a male friend.
* Stepneygate — Allegations of espionage in Formula 1 racing carried out by members of the McLaren team. Also sometimes known as Spygate (not to be confused with the NFL scandal of the same name).
* Stormontgate — A British spy reveals himself to be spying on Sinn Féin.
* Suitcasegate — A businessman is caught at a Buenos Aires airport in August 2007 with a bag (apparently from Hugo Chávez) containing $800,000 meant for then-Argentine presidential candidate Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
* Toallagate ("towelgate") — Scandal in Mexico 2001 e to the high cost of bathroom towels (around US$400 for each one) bought for the official residence of the Mexican president.
* Toiletgate — The allegations by Veselin Topalov, the challenger for the 2006 World Chess Championship, that Vladimir Kramnik (reigning champion at that time) was using an Internet connection and computer analysis while visiting the toilet frequently ring their 2006 match in Elista, Kalmykia.
* Travelgate — The 1993 firings of White House Travel Office employees at the start of the Clinton administration.
* Troopergate (1) — The allegations by two Arkansas state troopers that they arranged sexual liaisons for then-governor Bill Clinton.
* Troopergate (2) — controversy involving New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, who allegedly ordered the state police to create special records of senate majority leader Joseph L. Bruno's whereabouts when he traveled with police escorts in New York City.
* Troopergate (3) — the controversy surrounding allegations that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee for the United States presidential election, fired the state's public safety commissioner, allegedly for not cooperating with her demand that he dismiss her former brother-in-law, a state trooper.
* Tunagate — A 1985 political scandal in Canada involving large quantities of possibly spoiled tuna which were sold to the public.
* Waterkantgate or Watergate an der Waterkant — A major 1987 political scandal in Germany.
* Wheatgate — Scandal involving AWB Limited payments to the regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein that were in contravention of the United Nations Oil-for-Food programme
* Whitewatergate — Better known as the Whitewater controversy.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 22:43



水门事件(Watergate scandal,或译水门丑闻)是美国历史上最不光彩的*丑闻之一。其对美国本国历史以及整个国际新闻界都有着长远的影响。水门事件之后,每当国家领导人遭遇执政危机或执政丑闻,便通常会被国际新闻界冠之以“门”(gate)的名称,如克林顿时期的“拉链儿门”、“伊朗门”;布什时期的“情报门”、“虐囚门”等。
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