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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 23:22



热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 23:53


Dear Jim,


I’m glad to learn that you are going to participate in the activity “Thumbs-up for China”. Letme give you some advice.


What I want to recommend to you is the Chinese University, which was originally named as National University and renamed as Chinese University in 1917. 


It was founded by Sun Yat-sen and others to train talents for democratic revolution. The school officially opened on April 13, 1913 and closed in 1949, which lasted for 36 years.


In order to train democratic revolutionary talents, Dr. Sun Yat-sen set up a Chinese university in Beijing in 1912, imitating Waseda University in Japan. Song Jiaoren and Huang Xing were the first and second presidents, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen served as his own manager.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 23:53


Dear Jim,


I’m glad to learn that you are going to participate in the activity “Thumbs-up for China”. Letme give you some advice.


What I want to recommend to you is the Chinese University, which was originally named as National University and renamed as Chinese University in 1917. 


It was founded by Sun Yat-sen and others to train talents for democratic revolution. The school officially opened on April 13, 1913 and closed in 1949, which lasted for 36 years.


In order to train democratic revolutionary talents, Dr. Sun Yat-sen set up a Chinese university in Beijing in 1912, imitating Waseda University in Japan. Song Jiaoren and Huang Xing were the first and second presidents, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen served as his own manager.


Chinese universities have a glorious revolutionary tradition and have been at the forefront in the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary struggle. A group of "red professors" represented by Li Dazhao, 


Li Da, Wu Chengshi and Yang Xiufeng spread Marxism in schools, and the schools have trained a large number of national heroes and national pillars represented by Li Zhaolin, Bai Yihua, Dong Yuhua, Duan Junyi, Zhang Zhixiang, Ren Zhongyi, Xu Cai and Li Dawei.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 23:54


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 23:53


Dear Jim,


I’m glad to learn that you are going to participate in the activity “Thumbs-up for China”. Letme give you some advice.


What I want to recommend to you is the Chinese University, which was originally named as National University and renamed as Chinese University in 1917. 


It was founded by Sun Yat-sen and others to train talents for democratic revolution. The school officially opened on April 13, 1913 and closed in 1949, which lasted for 36 years.


In order to train democratic revolutionary talents, Dr. Sun Yat-sen set up a Chinese university in Beijing in 1912, imitating Waseda University in Japan. Song Jiaoren and Huang Xing were the first and second presidents, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen served as his own manager.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 23:53


Dear Jim,


I’m glad to learn that you are going to participate in the activity “Thumbs-up for China”. Letme give you some advice.


What I want to recommend to you is the Chinese University, which was originally named as National University and renamed as Chinese University in 1917. 


It was founded by Sun Yat-sen and others to train talents for democratic revolution. The school officially opened on April 13, 1913 and closed in 1949, which lasted for 36 years.


In order to train democratic revolutionary talents, Dr. Sun Yat-sen set up a Chinese university in Beijing in 1912, imitating Waseda University in Japan. Song Jiaoren and Huang Xing were the first and second presidents, and Mr. Sun Yat-sen served as his own manager.


Chinese universities have a glorious revolutionary tradition and have been at the forefront in the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolutionary struggle. A group of "red professors" represented by Li Dazhao, 


Li Da, Wu Chengshi and Yang Xiufeng spread Marxism in schools, and the schools have trained a large number of national heroes and national pillars represented by Li Zhaolin, Bai Yihua, Dong Yuhua, Duan Junyi, Zhang Zhixiang, Ren Zhongyi, Xu Cai and Li Dawei.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 23:54

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