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当幸福来敲门 观后感 翻译 汉译英 (不要机器的,全是语法错误)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 23:17



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 22:48

《The Pursuit of Happyness》 is a simple inspirational movie.There are no beautiful actors and moving music,but it can also attract you to imagine what will happen.Because it has a good enough story,flat but not mediocre.
First:When Chris see the Graffiti “happyness” on the wall,he said :There is no y in happiness, There is i (y is Why). This line setup is extremely clever,Ii also conveys aims throughout the entire film.Yes,there is no "why" in happiness,Only their own in happiness.Blaming others for happier than themselves is meaningless.Happy can only be obtained by their own.
Second:When the film began,Chris was pushed forward by crowds on the street.Only he flet lost in the smiling faces.But,towards the end of the film,Chris was in that place again with smiling tears on his face,and he applauded for himself.After the suffering, grief, abandonment, abjection, helplessness, despair,Chris got great time with patience, effort and never give up attitude of life.So the moment when he passed through the trial period,Chris was happy.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 22:48

The Pursuit of Happyness is a simple inspirational film. It has no pictures of beautiful actors, no bells and whistles, and moving soundtrack, but it can attract you watch it quiet, because it has a good enough story, ordinary but not mediocre! In the film . there is two special plot, although was deliberately set, but it is not abrupt, not far-fetched, profound. First, when kelisi (weiershimisi play )seen in graffiti on the wall " Happyness " spelling error, he had said these words : There is no y in happiness, There is I. Y that is Why. This set of lines is extremely clever, its purpose to express also run through the entire film. Yes, in the happiness there is not why, there are only ourselves in happiness.It is meaningless always complaining others is happier, only on their own can be happy. Second : at the beginning of the movie, Chris is being pushed forward on a rocking street by a stream of people
, with smiles but he looked lost and helpless stands. Towards the end of the movie, Chris is in the same place, a face in emotional but satisfied tears and clapping and flaping for themselves. After suffering, grief, abandonment, down, helplessness, hopelessness, Chris with patience, effort, and never say die attitude to exchange the good old days of life belonging to him . So through a trial period at that moment, Chris is happy.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 22:49

The Pursuit of Happyness is a simple inspirational film. It has no pictures of beautiful actors or actresses, no bells and whistles, and moving soundtrack, but it can attract you to watch it quietly, because it has a touching storythat is good enough, ordinary but not mediocre!
In the film . there are two special plot twists which, though deliberately set, were not abrupt, not far-fetched, but profound.
First, when Chris saw in graffiti on the wall the spelling error" Happyness " , he uttered : There is no y in happiness, There is I. Y that is Why. This set of lines is extremely clever, its purpose to express also run through the entire film. Yes, in the happiness there is not why, there are only ourselves in happiness.It is meaningless always complaining others is happier, only on their own can be happy. Second : at the beginning of the movie, Chris is being pushed forward on a rocking street by a stream of people
, with smiles but he looked lost and helpless stands. Towards the end of the movie, Chris is in the same place, a face in emotional but satisfied tears and clapping and flaping for themselves. After suffering, grief, abandonment, down, helplessness, hopelessness, Chris with patience, effort, and never say die attitude to exchange the good old days of life belonging to him . So through a trial period at that moment, Chris is happy.
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