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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-17 17:59



热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 06:27

Shallowly discusses Chinese the scene comedy

This article take the Chinese scene comedy as a subject, several big forms the essential factor through the Chinese scene comedy to analyze for the principal aspect. The 90's initial period, one kind is called "the scene comedy" the new television kind of drama form is introced China, it take the city and the life in the among ordinary common people as the main description object, has the comedy color which in the fixed room in the scene, some specific society group ring many roles occurs the life story series short drama From most starts also was earliest "I Loves My Family", the style teases the satire, until now generally unfolded the gossip, politics, the market, the audiences three trivial minor matters, manifested the Chinese scene comedy "the factual record" and "draws close to the nature" However, most draws close to the marketplace common people's kind of drama form attention to the present also is quite has the significance

关键词] 中国情景喜剧 China Situation Comedy
实录性 Record sex
贴近性 Close to nature

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 06:28


This text takes Chinese scene comedy as topic, passing Chinese scene comedy of several become the main factor as main aspect greatly to analyze.In the early part of 90's, a kind of new television drama which is called "scene comedy" grew a form to be led to go into China, it with city and living therein common common people is main description object, at fixed indoor field view in, inside a certain and particular agencies several role take place of, take an in an interesting condition play the series short play of living story of the color.From start most of is also the earliest 《I love my house 》, style with make fun of irony, emerge the inside of the parent generally up to now short, politics, market, be subjected to many three of fragmentary and small matter, the body appears "factual records" and"come close sex" of Chinese scene comedy. However, to now most for the concern that the play which comes close city well a civilian grows a form again is have meaning rather.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 06:28

China Situation Comedy theme through China Situation Comedy formation of several major elements of the main aspects to analyze. The early 1990s, called "Situation Comedy," a new type of TV types were introced to China, It lives in the city and the ordinary people described as the main target of the permanent indoor scenes. a certain number of roles within the community between what is happening, comedy with sexual overtones life story of the drama series. from the beginning it is the earliest "I love my home." to mockingly ironic style, but now generally show parents and neighborhood, political, market, the three recipients of trivial matters. reflect China Situation Comedy "Record" and "close to nature." However, right now most close to drama among the civilian forms of concern is quite meaningless.
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