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英语翻译 (化学专业词汇较多)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-18 07:28



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 21:36

Abstract:iodine is well known as independable"wise element" in human body.It is very helpful to the human body to supplement some iodine through eating the salt.However, if overuse,it will cause IITD .This article will testify the existence of iodine which is contained in the salt. To realize this purpose ,we will make use of the redox reaction and iodine's chemical property when this element meets starch, it becomes blue.Also, according to the principle of different solubility of potassium iodate and sodium chloride in water.We will adapt the comparsion method to prove the feasibility of recing the iodine containing in the Iodsalz using the washing method.Otherwise,this article also research on the chemical property of KIO3.During the daily life,we will correctly use the Iodsalz to prevent other reaction happening which will be harmful to the human body.翻译的不好,请多关照。QQ:563320857.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 21:37

The iodine element is recognized essentially the manner body “the wisdom element”, through the edible iodized salt right amount supplement iodine element to person's bodily function is beneficial, but excessive edible will also cause the thyroid gland disease, this article has studied meets the starch using the redox reaction and the iodine changes the blue nature has confirmed in the table salt the iodine element existence, and according to the potassium iodate and the sodium chloride in water solubility different principle, used the correlation method to confirm has used in the laundering law rection iodized salt the iodine element content feasibility. In addition, simultaneously in this paper also has studied the potassium iodate (KIO3) the chemical property, middle ordinary day's life, everybody should use the iodized salt, avoid it correctly having other responses, but causes the damage to the human body.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 21:37

Abstract: The iodine element is recognized essentially the manner body “the wisdom element”, through the edible iodized salt right amount supplement iodine element to person's bodily function is beneficial, but excessive edible will also cause the thyroid gland disease, this article has studied meets the starch using the redox reaction and the iodine changes the blue nature has confirmed in the table salt the iodine element existence, and according to the potassium iodate and the sodium chloride in water solubility different principle, used the correlation method to confirm has used in the laundering law rection iodized salt the iodine element content feasibility. In addition, simultaneously in this paper also has studied the potassium iodate (KIO3) the chemical property, middle ordinary day's life, everybody should use the iodized salt, avoid it correctly having other responses, but causes the damage to the human body. !~
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