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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-23 04:46



热心网友 时间:2023-12-02 08:43

英文翻译; "Time Dream" Jarden · Smith plays the part of Delhi · Parker has made the very deep impression to me, Jarden · Smith is originally a life in the Detroit, the carefree ordinariest American young boy, because the Aunt Shirley's work has the change, but migrated together China. Thus only then had this piece of story occurrence This piece's plot is very simple, but takes to my feelings not to be actually simple, young Parker that relentless pursue is driving me, takes one soon to rise into first day's student I need this kind of pursue, this kind of relentlessness, never says abandoned pursues, young Parker takes to me also to have he that firm faith, is the faith was driving he is wounded at on the final time championship tournament's finals field goes forth to battle, with once received he has bullied the match decisive battle, this wants the what kind courage, is the firm faith is driving him, is also driving me, drives me to by the firm faithFacing the college entrance examination, I believed that I can look like the young Parker being ambitious matter to become unexpectedly equally. “the treasured sword front from whets, the plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold.”This was one has filled the philosophy verse, in severely cold winter, in hundred flowers weak pavilion time, only then the plum blossom opened in the snow and ice, this was she and the snow and ice tenacious resistance result. Young Parker not likely is this plum blossom? His good fortune pays painstakingly trades eventually satisfies the repayment, he has realized “the time dream”, this only then does not teach the time Master Mr. Han's merit which he the time conceals identity, what are more is his payout. Therefore said is willing to pay, can trade the good repayment. Must therefore look like young Parker to be the same, the pursue belongs to own “the time dream”!

热心网友 时间:2023-12-02 08:44


热心网友 时间:2023-12-02 08:44

The film according to the Hollywood remake of 1984 film made of the same name. 12-year-old Deruipake (Jaden Smith Jaden Smith decorated) with the mother (Taraji P · Hansen, Taraji P. Henson ornaments) from Detroit to move to Beijing, met with the school US-Chinese girl playing the violin Ying (Han Wenwen decoration). Shui Ying contacts with the United States caused the school to process (Wang Zhenwei decoration) led a small group of dissatisfied, in a fight, are inferior to the old Han Shui is an apartment manager (Jackie Chan) are saved, but they offended Master Cheng Li martial arts teacher (in the glory of the decoration). Han and Lee agreed the old masters, by the disciples were higher in the contest under the previous General Assembly. Since then, the German-Swiss teacher to start learning the old Han Chinese Kung Fu, from fist to the indivial practice exercises, a little bit and understand the true meaning of martial arts and life, but also with the old correction for recurrent deep friendship. However, only short-term training Derui whether a Tournament victory over the cruel way, to achieve the final victory?
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