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英语作文关于旅游 写日记形式的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 22:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 00:16

I love travelling. When I was young, my parents always took me to other places to visit, such as Beijing, Zhuhai and Guilin. But as I grow up, there’s such a heavy study-pressure that I can hardly afford time and energy to travel. Fortunately, I can “travel” to a lot of far-away attractions in the fantastic world of books and TV. Recently I have learnt about Rio De Janeiro from books. I feel excited and want very much to travel there. Rio De Janeiro lies along the coast of Atlantic Ocean. It’s Brazil’s second largest city. Firstly, I love the climate in Rio De Janeiro. Sea climate is comfortable and it never gets too dry or too wet. Secondly, I love the beautiful beaches. I always form a picture in my mind of being at the seaside. I imagine myself walking on the beach. The sunshine is mild in the late afternoon and I feel the soft wind moving across my face. I can see the sun moving slowly below the sea level, just like a hot, red ball falling into the water. Some seagulls are flying above the sea and others rest themselves on ship-boards. I take off my shoes. Soft sand flows through my toes. Little waves sometimes run towards me and wet my trousers, just like naughty children. I enjoy this feast for both my body and spirit. Now I know that the beauty of nature is the greatest beauty in the world. Alone, I’m just walking, walking and walking……
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