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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-18 14:25



热心网友 时间:2024-04-13 19:56

[abstract] Along with the China market economy's unceasing development, living standards' gradual enhancement, the commercial housing market starts to be prosperous is prosperous, but are many at the same time the question also along with it appearance, the real estate owner's legal status cannot obtain the very good protection is the question which urgently awaits to be solved, whether does this question relate organizes well all owner, change present owner community in estate management negative and weak trend status, causes the property company to interact well with the owner and to provide a higher quality service. However, regardless of from the public opinion looking from the general real estate owner's personal feeling, at present China's owner committee's survival condition and the function display is unoptimistic. Many residential districts either do not have the owner committee, either is the owner committee exists in name only, is unable to exercise own authority earnestly. this article through from the owner committee's theory will elaborate that the owner committee's legal status comparison research, Our country Owner Committee legal status's legislative present situation and determined Our country Owner Committee legal status the suggestion four parts, detailed elaborate. [key word] The owner committee legal status illegal person organizes
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