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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 07:49



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:57

What this U.S. citizen brand lay claim to is regardless you are a tour, daily life at home, go to work and the party still keeps going shopping shopping and all the ability finds out to suit an own clothing from that brand.On the color, it is main to regard steady heavy black, clean and pure white and wildly enthusiastic red as principle.Another meeting with nobility, grace of purple and yellow and cool-headed, equanimity of blue and coffee color for assist to collide with each other seven color;On the style, the style is novel, lines Jian3 Yue, with each other take sex very strong;On the craft, various art cut skillful with car work connect to match, again go together with up the elegant lace, lace, natural precious stone and finely go together with a decoration, full the modern female's soft body beauty now thoroughly;The noodles anticipate up, with purely natural cotton, silk environmental protection the noodles anticipate for lord, another again from Europe, Japan and importing upscale yarn from Korea anticipate in order to assist, end purpose is let the consumption all buy of trust, wear of comfort.
Designer with luxurious, carry to pack, vogue, character is main material, combine international popular the lines anticipate noodles to carry on re- combining to constitute another pleasant impression of also deliver a match of diversification philosophy in the meantime, emerge regardless consumer to be a tour, daily life at home, go to work, the party still goes shopping shopping etc. diversification of match vogue style.
Of series and series, the designer made the most of international nowadays popular"Mix& Match" of concept, lay claim to the with each other take of of merchandise and merchandise, let the consumer be able to also create to belong to in the meantime own of popular style, real dissolve the consumer, merchandise, designer as integral whole.
The target guests
Mainly incline toward mature, cultured city female, the age generally targets at 25-55 years old of brave to pursue the upper-class society life and have already resided the cluster of upper-class society life a clan for main guests.
The company pays attention to brand culture, initiate characteristic, the vogue turn of the exquisite article realize, and own a top-grade management team, hour with strongly pack designer and high class to beat version teacher and cut teacher, provide with the forerunner's proction equipments in the meantime.Be in the light of the talented person of strict quality management, consummate craft, high character troops sale a network, is business agent and consumer provide high quality, efficiently benefit of service.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:58

Advocated by the American brands are whether you are travel, home, work, party or go shopping, all from the brand to find their own suitable clothing. On color, mainly to prudent black, pure white, as well as passionate mainly red. Another would be noble, elegant purple and yellow as well as the steady, calm blue and brown as a supplement to the collision into seven color; on style, fashionable, simple lines, each ride extremely; process, the various forms of art phase ingeniously cutting and lathe work together, matched with delicate lace, lace, natural gemstones, as well as refined accessories, fully modern women embodied in the United States and most soft; fabric up to pure natural cotton, silk fabric-based environmental protection and another from Europe, Japan and South Korea imported high-grade yarn feed supplement, with the ultimate aim is to enable the consumer to buy the rest assured that the wearing comfort.
Designers to luxury, side mounted, fashion, indiviality as the main material, combined with international fashion fabric lines will re-constitute a combination of aesthetic and also pass a diversified mix of philosophy, and whether consumers are showing travel, home, work, such as party or go shopping with a wide range of fashion styles.
Series and between series, designers make full use of today's international pop "Mix & Match" the concept of merchandise and merchandise that interoperability between the ride and at the same time so that consumers can also create their own pop style, will consumers really , merchandise, designers melting into one.
Goal off base
Mainly tend to mature, and elegant urban women, age 25-55 years old generally locked at the top between the courage to pursue the life of society and social life of the upper ranks of the ethnic group as the main customer base.
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Companies focus on brand culture, advocating personalized, boutique fashion sense and have a first-class management team, and strong when the design talents and advanced version of division play, cutting the division, at the same time equipped with advanced proction equipment. In the strict quality management, excellent technology, high-quality personnel team sales network for agents and consumers with high quality, cost-effective services.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 11:58

The American brand manifesto is whether you are traveling, home, at work, party or shopping, can find from the brand for their clothing. The color of black, mainly sedate, pure white and passionate red. Another will with high, elegant purple and yellow and composed and quiet and complementary to the blue color collided into seven color, The style is contracted, fashionable, line, build strong sex, The process of art, the cutting and Turner ingeniously junction, deserve to go up again in fine lace, bud, natural stone, and exquisite accessories, full of soft beauty of modern women will reflect incisively and vividly, With the natural fabrics, cotton, silk fabrics and other environmental protection from Europe, Japan and Korea import high-grade yarn material is complementary, ultimate purpose is to buy the rest assured, consumer is in comfort.
Designers with costly, end, fashion, personality as main material, with international popular line will constitute new fabrics of another kind of aesthetic feeling of also pass a diversified collocation, show whether consumers philosophy is tourism, home, at work, party or shopping and fashionable style collocation.
Series and series, stylist to make full use of the current international popular "Mix and Match", advocate the concept of goods and goods between the build, and let consumers can also create their own popular style, real consumer goods, stylist, will be dissolved. Target customers Company pays much attention to the brand culture, promote the consciousness of indiviation, vogue, and have a first-class management team, with strong outfit design talents and senior plate, a pattern cutter, also equipped with advanced proction equipment. Based on strict quality control, exquisite technology, high quality talent team for dealers and sales network, provide high quality, high benefit consumers.
Main tend to mature, elegant city female, age generally focused on 25-55 years old between upper social life and to pursue in the upper social life already for major customers of family.
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