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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 05:45



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 08:21


This gate writing on the four word is "spirit", its main clouds is back "blessings agent". Everyone knows that sits in the legendary jade emperor of spirit, to sky halls in, must first after "the spirit." front clouds Now we'll be into person "paradise", we can also enjoy a mortal today immortals treatment, boarded heavy dragon ladder, while you can see the jade emperor.

玉皇金殿集神话传说与当地风土人情为一体,据史册记载它建于魏晋时期,原殿有正殿、侧殿两部分,当时人们为感谢拯救万民于水火之中的玉皇大帝和二郎神而建,香火旺盛,相当有灵气。 1941 年该殿被日军炸毁。 2000 年 10 月二郎山景区投资 100 万元修复了这座千年古刹,于 2001 年 5 月正式建成对游人开放。

The jade Andy set myths and legends and local customs for an organic whole, according to history records it was built in wei-jin period, the original temple are the main hall, side temple two parts, when people to thank among all nations to come to save the jade emperor and er lang shen and build, incense exuberant, quite mentality. 1941 the house by Japanese army bombing. In October 2000 mountain scenic area investment of 100 million to repair the ancient temple millennium, in May 2001 officially completed open to tourists.


Reconstruction after the jade Andy, gates FangGuShi large buildings, glazed tiles of main hall, side house points in two parts. The main hall is located in the mountain peaks, it up, lofty and grand, surrounded by a cloth has a scarlet colonnaded, eaves of animals and birds, lifelike carving exquisite. Inside the wall draw has fly light flow choi murals, mural of myth and legend, reflect the local custom reflects landforms, characters, image lifelike and vivid. Two side temple is located in the main hall before below, left and right sides is symmetrical, although less main hall height, but also very beautifully, the construction craft, the momentum of the special extended. When seen from afar, the whole jade Andy towering clouds, solemn, who drived. The jade Andy with its particular charm attracts many tourists who come, don't know you see how I feel when?


We watched the jade Andy along another road to move on, and now into the piece of thick covering days of forest called "forest bathing", everybody here can free wash sauna, breathe fresh air. Here woodland broad, summer will raise numerous mushrooms, near the villagers often come back, and often to the market to sell, because now is now sell, adopt a delicious, urban people liked to eat. If you are interested, you can in the summer after a sunny iwait, you have picked mushrooms can then you'll goodie thank gift of nature.


Now we see is the legendary dragon king hole. There is a big hole in the legend, huanglong fairies that can influence, but not everyone knows. To display their prowess and benefiting the people, this will turn into a old huanglong come in human, help people disaster difficulty. One day he will leave, give a good horse w left a yellow note, top write: "is not a man, with the dragon. Not to eat and for the poor people wear, but peace. Live jianshan south, practice for over a thousand years. If there is a disaster, longdong against a word." Several years later, drought, see here encounter harvest hopeless, people remember the helpless and horse agents, and the word of the old folks to rain in longdong rate. "Strange, returning or hot sun hot, to home for a moment and blustery, thunder and lightning, downpour. Since then, every time a drought came and rain, no money. Longdong original gao two cubits wide and two cubits spare, and did not know its depth through the spout like big. After being er lang shen bear mountain changed.the and blocked the mouth of the cave, and only survived a air flow. Later generations, Joe coughlin huanglong ye nordex says the hole for longdong, actually real longdong mouth in its bottom.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 08:22

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