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在餐桌上我爸爸和他哥哥讨论音乐时 英语翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-13 18:46



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 05:11

My father and his brother started talking about music when they sit around the dinner table.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 05:11

When my father and uncle talked about music at table,

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 05:12

when My dad and his brother discussed music at table.
在餐桌上我爸爸和他哥哥讨论音乐时 英语翻译

在餐桌上我爸爸和他哥哥讨论音乐时.英语:My father and his brother started talking about music when they sit around the dinner table.

给翻译几个英语 快哦

Happy. Photos. Talk to sb. To eat lunch. Wait. The English teacher is standing in the playground. Children play computer games. My dad was driving to work. They are holding a party. My sister is wearing a sweater. . Chinese is more complicated than English in principle. . ...


There are four people in my family .They are father, mother, sister and I. My parents and I are of rabbit. I like running, reading, and surfing the Internet. My mother likes watching TV and reading books. And my dad likes reading. I also very happy in the scho...


My mother and I often go shopping at weekends.He never buys mangoes in the supermarket.My father is always busy.Does your cousin often play football?They sometimes go roller-skating.He is never late for school.My elder brother often walks to work.=My elder brother often goes to...


to school at 7:15am every morning. I don't like school. I like playing computer, drawing and playing basketball. Every noon, I go to play basketball with my Chinese classmates after finishing my homework. Then I play computer in the evening. I like listening to the music and...


1. 爸爸:这是英文中对父亲的一种普遍称呼。在英文家庭中,常用“dad”来表示对父亲的亲昵称呼,简单而直接。2. 妈妈:这是英文中对母亲的一种常见称呼。在英文中,“mom”是一个亲昵的称呼,用于表达对母亲的爱和尊敬。3. 哥哥:在英语中,如果家庭中有多于一个儿子,年长的那个通常被称为“older...


because I think China is a great country. I hope my penfriend play football and piano at weekend. My favorite subject is Music. It makes me feel relaxed. I'm bored with History. Would you like to be my Penfriend? Pls write to me ASAP and say something about you!


Then he runs go out. In the afternoon, he plays basketball.Sometimes he plays chess with my brother.My father also likes listening to music and watching TV. He likes listening to the popular music. He likes action movies best. His favorite movie star is Li Xiaolong.My father ...


My father likes he can sing along with the music


我热爱音乐,过去我爸爸常带我去听音乐会。这些天,我几乎没有时间去听音乐会了。我做家庭作业然后睡觉。我真的好怀念过去的日子啊。对于大多数问题,你若回答C,那么你大概很自信。社会的情况基本上不会阻挠你。你知道你想要什么,并且你知道怎样去得到它。有些时候你可能对着别人发火,因为你太自信了。22页3a 前几...

餐桌上的美食配什么音乐 音乐餐桌 音乐互动餐桌 音乐键餐桌 音乐主题西餐桌 餐桌上的故事 桌子的音乐 餐桌上的歌曲 适合用餐的愉快音乐
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