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以My past school life为题目的英语作文20

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-13 12:34



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 09:39

I like my school life because i can have a bunch of joy such as learning knowledges, playing with friends, doing exercises, and more. My school life has a lot of challenges in front of me every day, so I will do more and more work to overcome them. One thing that I don't like my school life is there are a lot of homework or exams, so I have to work harder and harder to avoid the teachers' scream. But still, I like my school life!

My school has significant changes in the past few years. These changes provide a better study environment to the students as well as give them more ecation opportunities to develop their skills.

The first change is the technology development. Nowadays, the school purchases about 100 new computer and builds up a computer labotary for the students. We can go to the computer lab to do research, and go online. It is very convenient because I can do research online instead of going to library. Also, I can also send email to my friends who are in the other countries. The computer labotary really makes our school life much more fun.

Second, the school plants lots of trees these days. I think it is very good for the students because we can see some green things when our eyes are tired. When I am tired on reading, I will take a walk around the school. It helps me to rece stress. The trees also create a green study environment in our school because we can sit under the tree and study in summer. The feeling is so wonderful!

The last change of the school is that they build up a new cafe. It is convenient for the students because we do not need to go out for lunch. It also saves lots of time because we can spend 5 minutes to walk to cafe to have lunch instead of spending 20 minutes to walk outside. In addition, I like to hang out in cafe because it is a place where everyone will go after class. We can talk about our class and our social life there.

The significant changes of school really impressed me because it makes me love my school much more than before. Also, I think it is good for the students academically and personally.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 09:40

I like my school life because i can have a bunch of joy such as learning knowledges, playing with friends, doing exercises, and more. My school life has a lot of challenges in front of me every day, so I will do more and more work to overcome them. One thing that I don't like my school life is there are a lot of homework or exams, so I have to work harder and harder to avoid the teachers' scream. But still, I like my school life!
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