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摘要翻译 外语高手帮帮忙,,谢谢~~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 09:07

China is the world's largest coal procer and consumer. In China's energy proction and consumption structure has been dominated by coal, coal, primary energy proction accounts for about 75% of total proction. In 2007, the national raw coal proction was 2.536 billion t, of which coal-fired power generation has reached 50%. With the rapid development of China's national economy, and the use of advanced energy technologies will continue to increase the proportion of coal for power generation.
New 2  150MW current engineering units. Two units have passed the generator - the main access to new power transformer 220kV power distribution device. The main part of the design specifications, calculations and chart form. Specifications and calculations, including the overall analysis of power plants, electrical main wiring design; short-circuit current calculation; electrical equipment selection and layout; auxiliary power wiring of the layout and the design of relay protection

Key words: coal gangue power plant; power system; relay; transformer

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 09:08

占个座儿,明天起床翻译追问呵呵 先谢谢哈!


China is the largest coal procing and consuming country in the world. Among the composition of China's energy proction and consumption, coal has taken the leading position as its proction output accounts for 75% of the national total proction volume of disposable energy resources. The coal proction of 2007 is 2.536 billion tons, of which the coal for power generation reached 50%. Along with the rapid development of domestic economy, the advanced energy technologies are adopted and the proportion of coal for power generation will increase continually.

At this phase of the project, 2150 MW machine train will be established. Both two machine trains were connected to the 220kv power distribution of the newly built generating station, through the main transformer bank of generator.

The main part of this design consists of instruction manual, calculation sheet and pictures. The instruction manual and calculation sheet covered the macro analysis of power generating station, the design of main electrical connection, the calculation of short circuit current, the selection and arrangement of electric equipment, the layout of Auxiliary Scheme and the design for relay protection, etc.


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