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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 09:07

Introction Part 1 laser
1.1 Function Introction
Laser spot fine, the processing of non-contact manner to ensure that a pre-embroidered, embroidery, the embroidery of the fabric after cutting, incision fine smooth, silk removed, to leave the border areas, like quality.
Laser cutting of embroidery and computer can switch back and forth, the two sets of independent control of the operating system to avoid the laser cutting and computer controlled embroidery sports contradictions between technology, so that high-speed embroidery frame sports a smooth and uniform light laser cutting possible.
Advanced laser power control system to ensure that each laser power error is less than 5%, to meet most of the layered fabric cutting process.
Can be processed with multiple laser cutting, laser processing can also choose the first part of the number of extremely efficient.
Automatic smoke extraction, auxiliary blowing system to ensure that clean pollution-free working environment.
Mandatory water-cooled refrigeration system to ensure that the laser system for the job.
Fiber-optic transmission laser, to ensure that the laser in the transfer process to minimize wear and tear.
Segment fiber used as one set of interchangeable multi-function-type head, the laser can be effective at the focal length of the pool on.
Can be added in accordance with the requirements of unilateral double sequins, and can achieve flat embroidery and sequins embroidery, laser embroidery automatically converted three.

高度なレーザーパワー制御システムは、それぞれのレーザパワーは5 %未満の误差は、层状构造を処理加工のほとんどを満たすことを确认してください。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 09:08

高度なレーザーパワー制御システムは、それぞれのレーザパワーは5 %未満の误差は、层状构造を処理加工のほとんどを満たすことを确认してください。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 09:08

Introction Part 1 laser
1.1 Function Introction
Laser spot fine, the processing of non-contact manner to ensure that a pre-embroidered, embroidery, the embroidery of the fabric after cutting, incision fine smooth, silk removed, to leave the border areas, like quality.
Laser cutting of embroidery and computer can switch back and forth, the two sets of independent control of the operating system to avoid the laser cutting and computer controlled embroidery sports contradictions between technology, so that high-speed embroidery frame sports a smooth and uniform light laser cutting possible.
Advanced laser power control system to ensure that each laser power error is less than 5%, to meet most of the layered fabric cutting process.
Can be processed with multiple laser cutting, laser processing can also choose the first part of the number of extremely efficient.
Automatic smoke extraction, auxiliary blowing system to ensure that clean pollution-free working environment.
Mandatory water-cooled refrigeration system to ensure that the laser system for the job.
Fiber-optic transmission laser, to ensure that the laser in the transfer process to minimize wear and tear.
Segment fiber used as one set of interchangeable multi-function-type head, the laser can be effective at the focal length of the pool on.
Can be added in accordance with the requirements of unilateral double sequins, and can achieve flat embroidery and sequins embroidery, laser embroidery automatically converted three.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 09:09


Laser spot fine, the processing of non-contact manner to ensure that a pre-embroidered, embroidery, the embroidery of the fabric after cutting, incision fine smooth, silk removed, to leave the border areas, like quality.

Laser cutting of embroidery and computer can switch back and forth, the two sets of independent control of the operating system to avoid the laser cutting and computer controlled embroidery sports contradictions between technology, so that high-speed embroidery frame sports a smooth and uniform light laser cutting possible.

Advanced laser power control system to ensure that each laser power error is less than 5%, to meet most of the layered fabric cutting process.

Can be processed with multiple laser cutting, laser processing can also choose the first part of the number of extremely efficient.

Automatic smoke extraction, auxiliary blowing system to ensure that clean pollution-free working environment.

Mandatory water-cooled refrigeration system to ensure that the laser system for the job.

Fiber-optic transmission laser, to ensure that the laser in the transfer process to minimize wear and tear.

Segment fiber used as one set of interchangeable multi-function-type head, the laser can be effective at the focal length of the pool on.

Can be added in accordance with the requirements of unilateral double sequins, and can achieve flat embroidery and sequins embroidery, laser embroidery automatically converted three.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 09:10

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