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大家帮我翻译下下面这段话啊 很急 在下 感激不尽!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-29 17:12



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 01:15

Seated position: China is generally guest together, to take back guide guest, as chief left for at first, relative to the first three, under, under two for four.
Serving the order: in China the first dish is soup, followed by GanFan, moreover, such as staple monarch is last dish is fruit wine to promote digest
Tableware: in China tableware simpler usually only a cup, plates, bowls, saucers, chopsticks, spoon soup to wait for a few kinds.
Says stop meal methods: stop temporarily feast in the chopsticks, can eat rested on the dish or spoon straight. If the chopsticks rested on the plate and the drunken rice said that is no longer into the full board. (DuanJie 2008,45), LiuQian,
Clothing: in China, people in a restaurant dress can casually, even t-shirts, jeans, can only in important dinner party dressed grand some above.
Seated methods: people in China check-in and no English speaking countries so exquisite, it is mostly according to his own will and seated.
Drink soup method: China is a spoon traditionalists drink soup ladle the soup from bowl drink or use directly bowl arose, and drink drink when sound, this is very impolite behavior.
Drinking methods: who will drink alcohol before, should have politely to taste. Can appreciate wine color, smell bouquet to taste. Don't to show their mass, raised his glass see also don't see, then a lead and do, make wine mouth flows downward along. Also need not affected when the thin fingers curl a toast to display their elegant demeanor. While drinking, side smoking not. In view of drunken easily slip of tongue and discourteous in foreign-related activities, so they want to control drinking in contentment in their half of the capacity of the following. Don't a look at each other's gracious or delicious wine, then beside herself. Ecated drinkers drinking is not let people heard the sound of swallowing poured wine with only appropriate 80%.
Tableware is usually use: Chinese use chopsticks. First middle finger and ring finger two chopsticks were in below, the thumb on chopsticks above, the forefinger pressed against the thumb, little point to inside song. Chopsticks opening-closing amplitude can be used to adjust your middle finger activities.追问无论如何还是谢谢你

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