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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-30 05:07



热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 17:42

Abstract: With the global economic integration process progresses, information technology, highly developed, market competition becomes more intense, the former company will be able to rely solely on a capacity to win in the market competition cases nearly has disappeared . It is a kind of balanced scorecard can help companies establish a strategic-oriented performance measurement system and, ultimately, can effectively promote the company's overall competitive edge to shape their own strategic management tool. In China, the Balanced Scorecard as an information-based, enterprise strategic objectives and business performance drivers combined strategic management system, improve our business performance management has a special practical significance, the introction of the Balanced Scorecard into a trend.
In this paper, the theoretical analysis of the Balanced Scorecard to start, according to the specific features of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprise performance measurement system problems were discussed, Fenxi the state-owned enterprises using the Balanced Scorecard strengths and obstacles and made a perfect application of Qi corresponding countermeasures. The achievement of balanced scorecard performance management theory and state-owned enterprises and the combination of performance management to enrich the content of state-owned enterprises are explored.
Key words: balanced scorecard; enterprise; performance management and evaluation; application
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