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GRE ISSUE作文经典论据总结4

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-30 03:04



热心网友 时间:2024-03-27 03:36

新G写作注重缜密的思维逻辑和新GRE写作论据论证,因此,我们在新GRE写作中要格外重视思维逻辑与论据论证,平时注意多收集一些GRE写作论据论证例子,积累素材。下面是小编为大家整理的新GRE ISSUE作文经典论据,希望能够帮助大家更好地备考新GRE写作。
Galileo was, above all, a man who experimented: who despised the prejudices and book learning of the Aristotelians, who put his questions to nature instead of to the ancients, and who drew his conclusions fearlessly. He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky, and was the man who climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped various weights from the top. He rolled balls down inclined planes, and then generalized the results of his many experiments into the famous law of free fall. He said: Science always needs special courage.
Copernicus, an astronomer, was the first person to formulate a theory which displaced the Earth from the center of the universe, paved the way for corroborating observations of Galileo, then set the stage for Newton’s Laws of Gravity, and ultimately led to theory of relativity discovered by Einstein.
Bruno, an philosopher and astronomer, who is best known as a proponent of the infinity of the universe. His cosmological theories went beyond the Copernican(哥白尼的) model. He challenged the infallibility of the Roman Catholic Church by altering the accepted theory of the earth’s position in the universe, and was burned as a heretic.
Albert Einstein was slow to talk and had difficulty learning to read when he was a child. One story says Albert told his uncle he hates to learn, especially mathematics, and in school he felt as if he were in prison. His uncle told him to solve mathematical problems by pretending to be a policeman.
Albert decided that he wanted to teach mathematics and physics. He graated with honors, but could not get a teaching job. So he began to work as an inspector of patents for new inventions. The job was not demanding, he had a lot of time to think about his scientific theories.
In Nineteen-Twenty-one, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his law of the photoelectric effect, but not for his theory of relativity.
希望小编整理的新GRE ISSUE作文经典论据总结对各位考生有所帮助,大家可以从中抽选出一些加以背诵,并在GRE作文里作为论据进行论证。此外,也可以在平时多搜集一些比较好的论据,来增加作文的含金量。新GRE写作练习中加强对思维逻辑的重视,平时注意积累论据论证素材,多收集一些新GRE写作论据论证句型。希望大家能有好成绩!
希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。留学的道路充满了无限可能,但选择和准备的过程可能也充满挑战。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 。在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。我们的专业团队会全程陪伴您,助您圆梦海外学府。祝您留学申请顺利!
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