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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 05:08



热心网友 时间:2022-06-21 00:27

class CFireRoutine //烟火程序
CFireRoutine(); //构造函数
virtual ~CFireRoutine(); //虚态的析构函数

// Functs (public)

void InitFire(); //初始化
void ClrHotSpots(); //清除燃烧点
void InitPallette(); //初始化调色板
void SetHotSpots(); //设置燃烧点
void MakeLines(); //生成扫描线
void Render(DWORD* pVideoMemory,
int iwidth,
int iheight);

unsigned char Average(int x, int y);

// props
int m_iFlameHeight; //火焰高度
int m_iWidth; //宽度
int m_iHeight;//高度(应该是作图区高度)
int m_iFireSource;//The y position for the lit spots
int m_iFireChance; //燃烧几率
int m_iAvgFlameWidth; //火焰平均宽度
int m_iAlpha; //α(深度)

COLORREF m_FireColors[4]; //火焰颜色

BYTE* m_pFireBits; //火焰数据
DWORD m_pPalletteBuffer[256]; //调色板
long* m_pYIndexes; //颜色索引
class CPlasmaRoutine
virtual ~CPlasmaRoutine();//虚态析构函数

// Methods
void SetDefaultValues(VARIANT* pExtParms);//设置缺省参数值(外部变量)
void InitializePlasma(VARIANT* pExtParms);//初始化岩浆参数
void Create(int iWidth,int iHeight);//按视图生成岩浆
void Render(DWORD* pBits, //按照像素位,视图宽度,高度,扫描线渲染
int iwidth,
int iheight,
int iLineLength);
void SetRGB(int iIndex,int R,int G,int B);

void InitCostBLTable(); //初始化损耗平衡表?BL是不是balance的意思啊?不知道,反正不是对比度和亮度,还是色彩饱和度?好像都不是
void InitPallette(); //初始化调色板

void CalcPlasma(); //计算岩浆
void CreateGradient(COLORREF clrStart,COLORREF clrEnd,long lSteps,COLORREF* pBuffer);

// Props

int m_iWidth;//视图宽度
int m_iHeight;//视图高度
int m_iAlpha;//视图深度

BYTE* m_pPlasmaBits; //岩浆序列缓冲
DWORD m_pPalletteBuffer[256];//调色板
int m_icostbl[256];//损耗平衡表
COLORREF m_PlasmaColors[16];// Yep 16 colors needed to generate our pallete... 采用16种颜色产生调色板
unsigned char m_a1,m_a2,m_a3,m_a4,m_b1,m_b2,m_b3,m_b4;

int m_iModifier1;
int m_iModifier2;
int m_iModifier3;
int m_iModifier4;
int m_iXModifier1;
int m_iXModifier2;
int m_iYModifier1;
int m_iYModifier2;


// FireRoutine.cpp: implementation of the CFireRoutine class.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FireRoutine.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Construction/Destruction 构造函数,初始化所有参数,注意火源初始值为2,燃烧概率初始值为10

m_iWidth = 0;
m_iHeight = 0;
m_pFireBits = NULL;
m_pYIndexes = NULL;
m_iFireSource = 2;
m_iFireChance = 10;
m_iFlameHeight = 50;
m_iAlpha = 255;

m_FireColors[0] = RGB(0,0,0);// Black
m_FireColors[1] = RGB(255,0,0);// Red
m_FireColors[2] = RGB(255,255,0);// Yellow
m_FireColors[3] = RGB(255,255,255);// White
m_iAvgFlameWidth = 35;

if(m_pFireBits != NULL)
delete [] m_pFireBits;

if(m_pYIndexes != NULL)
delete [] m_pYIndexes;

m_pFireBits = NULL;
m_pYIndexes = NULL;
void CFireRoutine::InitFire()
// Get Rid of anything already there 初始化火焰,如果存在颜色索引和渲染缓冲则首先注销
if(m_pFireBits != NULL)
delete [] m_pFireBits;

if(m_pYIndexes != NULL)
delete [] m_pYIndexes;

// Add three to the height 高度自动加三

m_pYIndexes = new long[m_iHeight]; //颜色索引时以火焰高度为长度的一个长整形数组

m_pFireBits = new BYTE[m_iWidth*m_iHeight]; //渲染缓冲区为一个W*H长度的字符型数组

// Clear the Fire bits 将火焰缓冲区置零
// do all the y index pre-calc.. 在计算之前先将颜色缓冲值初始化为每个元素=宽度*高度
for (int y = m_iHeight; y >0; y--)
m_pYIndexes[y] = y * m_iWidth;

// Create our pallete

InitPallette(); //初始化调色板
ClrHotSpots(); //清除燃烧点

void CFireRoutine::ClrHotSpots()
// clear the fire line

void CFireRoutine::InitPallette()
// Create a gradient between all the colors we have for our fire... 为我们的火焰创造一个过渡色使用的所有颜色

long iCount = 0;
COLORREF clrStart;

for(int iColor = 1;iColor<4;iColor++) //火焰的四个颜色定义

clrStart = m_FireColors[iColor-1]; //设置过渡色的起始颜色
clrEnd = m_FireColors[iColor]; //设置过渡色的终止颜色

int r, g, b; // First distance, then starting value 先计算距离,再计算值
float rStep, gStep, bStep; // Step size for each color //每种颜色的过渡步进值

// Get the color differences 取得三个颜色RGB的起始颜色和过渡颜色色差
r = (GetRValue(clrEnd) - GetRValue(clrStart));
g = (GetGValue(clrEnd) - GetGValue(clrStart));
b = (GetBValue(clrEnd) - GetBValue(clrStart));

int nSteps = max(abs(r), max(abs(g), abs(b))); //过渡步长数量取为RGB红绿蓝中色差最大者
float fStep = (float)(255/3)/ (float)nSteps; //将色差步长值转换为浮点数
// Calculate the step size for each color
rStep = r/(float)nSteps;//求得各颜色分量的色差步长值
gStep = g/(float)nSteps;
bStep = b/(float)nSteps;

// Reset the colors to the starting position 将颜色设置为渐进色初始颜色
r = GetRValue(clrStart);
g = GetGValue(clrStart);
b = GetBValue(clrStart);

for (int iOnBand = 0; iOnBand < nSteps; iOnBand++) //按照RGB计算出在渐变色全程中每个颜色的实际值
//COLORREF color = RGB(r+rStep*iOnBand, g + gStep*iOnBand, b + bStep *iOnBand);
COLORREF color = RGB(b + bStep *iOnBand, g + gStep*iOnBand,r+rStep*iOnBand);

long lIndex = (int)(iOnBand * fStep);

if(lIndex+((iColor-1)*85) < 255)
m_pPalletteBuffer[lIndex+((iColor-1)*85)] = color; //计算结果放到调色板里面去
// Step on the second color a little bit...向终止颜色过渡,以下颜色生成的内容与上面基本一致。
clrStart = m_FireColors[0];
clrEnd = m_FireColors[1];

for(int kj=0;kj<m_iFlameHeight;kj++)
m_pPalletteBuffer[kj] = 0;

int r, g, b; // First distance, then starting value
float rStep, gStep, bStep; // Step size for each color

// Get the color differences
r = (GetRValue(clrEnd) - GetRValue(clrStart));
g = (GetGValue(clrEnd) - GetGValue(clrStart));
b = (GetBValue(clrEnd) - GetBValue(clrStart));

int nSteps = max(abs(r), max(abs(g), abs(b)));
float fStep = (float)(85-m_iFlameHeight)/ (float)nSteps;
// Calculate the step size for each color
rStep = r/(float)nSteps;
gStep = g/(float)nSteps;
bStep = b/(float)nSteps;

// Reset the colors to the starting position
r = GetRValue(clrStart);
g = GetGValue(clrStart);
b = GetBValue(clrStart);

for (int iOnBand = 0; iOnBand < nSteps; iOnBand++)
//COLORREF color = RGB(r+rStep*iOnBand, g + gStep*iOnBand, b + bStep *iOnBand);
COLORREF color = RGB(b + bStep *iOnBand, g + gStep*iOnBand,r+rStep*iOnBand);

long lIndex = (int)(iOnBand * fStep);

m_pPalletteBuffer[lIndex+(85-m_iFlameHeight)] = color; //填写颜色值

// Macro to get a random integer within a specified range */ 这是一个按照范围取随机数的宏
#define getrandom( min, max ) (( rand() % (int)((( max ) + 1 ) - ( min ))) + ( min ))
#include <time.h>

void CFireRoutine::SetHotSpots() //设置燃烧点
ClrHotSpots(); //首先清除燃烧点

long lPosition = 0; //按照横轴位置进行累加,直到抵达宽度界限
while(lPosition < m_iWidth)
// see if we should do a flame
if (getrandom(0,100) < m_iFireChance) //得到一个随机数,看看是不是在燃烧概率范围内,如果不是就跳过去
// get a flame width
long lFlameWidth = getrandom(1,m_iAvgFlameWidth); //随机取得一个火焰宽度
for(int i=0;i<lFlameWidth;i++)
if(lPosition < m_iWidth) //如果位置在屏幕范围内,设置一个燃烧点
m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[m_iFireSource]+lPosition] =254;// set a hot spot!
// for (x = 0; x < m_iWidth; x++)
// {
// if (getrandom(0,100) < m_iFireChance)
// {

// }
// }

void CFireRoutine::MakeLines() //生成渲染扫描线
int x, y;

for (x = 0; x < m_iWidth; x++) //横向循环,从屏幕左侧到右侧
for (y = m_iFireSource; y<m_iHeight-1;y++) //纵向循环,从火源到火焰高度
// for (y = m_iHeight; y > m_iFireSource; y--)
//m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y-1]+x] =Average(x,y);
m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y+1]+x] =Average(x,y); //火焰值为扫描线均值
unsigned char CFireRoutine::Average(int x, int y)

unsigned char ave_color;
unsigned char ave1, ave2, ave3, ave4, ave5, ave6, ave7;

// Make sure we are not at the last line... 只要不是扫描线最后一样,平均值按照下列方式计算。
if(y == m_iHeight)
ave1 = m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y-1] + x];
ave1 = m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y + 1] + x];
1#(x, y+1)
6#(x-2, y) 4#(x-1, y) 7#(x,y) 3#(x+1, y) 5#(x+2, y)
2#(x, y-1)

ave2 = m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y - 1] + x];
ave3 = m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y] + x + 1];
ave4 = m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y] + x - 1];
ave5 = m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y] + x + 2];
ave6 = m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y] + x - 2];
ave7 = m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[y] + x];

ave_color = (ave1 + ave2 + ave3 + ave4 + ave5 + ave6 + ave7) / 7;


void CFireRoutine::Render(DWORD* pVideoMemory,
int iwidth,
int iheight
SetHotSpots(); // generate random hotspots 产生燃烧点
MakeLines(); // do all the math and screen updating //产生扫描线,更新屏幕

// Right now Im just going to blit it right onto the video memory //向视频内存做BitBlt缓冲拷贝
unsigned char* pSrcBitlin;// = m_pFireBits+(m_iWidth*3);// get rid of our fire source //获取火源
BYTE *dst;//=(BYTE*)Dib->pVideoMemory;


for(int i=0;i<m_iHeight-3;i++) //逐行扫描
dst = (BYTE*)&pVideoMemory[(iwidth*i)]; //取得视频当前行
pSrcBitlin =&m_pFireBits[m_pYIndexes[i+3]]; //设置扫描线数据指针

for(int x=0;x<m_iWidth;x++)
r = GetRValue(m_pPalletteBuffer[pSrcBitlin[x]]);
g = GetGValue(m_pPalletteBuffer[pSrcBitlin[x]]);
b = GetBValue(m_pPalletteBuffer[pSrcBitlin[x]]);


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