今天的HIT FM TOP 20 榜单
发布时间:2022-04-26 05:16
时间:2022-06-21 02:11
01/N!/01 The Edge of Glory -Lady Gaga
02/04/05 The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars
03/01/05 Judas-Lady Gaga
04/02/13 Someone Like You -Adele
05/06/10 E.T.- Katy Perry ft. Kanye West
06/N!/01 Nobody’s Perfect-Jessie J
07/N!/01 Love Love-Take That
08/05/08 Who Says- Selena Gomez and the Scene
09/09/10 Till the World Ends - Britney Spears
10/03/10 Blow-Ke$ha
11/R!/03 Skinny Love -Birdy
12/N!/01 Run the World (Girls)-Beyonce
13/R!/09 Sweat- Snoop Dogg
14/12/03 Girls Fall Like Domino- Nicki Minaj
15/08/02 The Show Goes On-Lupe Fiasco
16/20/09 Just Can’t Get Enough- Black Eyed Peas
17/R!/05 Don’t Hold Your Breath- Nicole Scherzinger
18/07/03 Bow Chicka Wow Wow - Mike Posner ftLil Wayne
19/14/13 L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.- Noah & The Whale
20/N!/01 The Last Dance - Clare Maguire