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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 03:06



热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 07:36

Familiar with the digital and analog circuit technology, has a capacity analysis of the circuit;
Proficiency in the use of oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzer, multimeter, and other equipment commonly used;
Proficient in Office software business, familiar with AutoCAD, photoshop, dreamweaver, flash, and other software;
On the windows operating system to have more understanding of skilled computer system maintenance and assembly;
There are good English skills to read, as well as general information on foreign language.

2006/07--2006/08 Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province Hewlett-Packard gold medal after practice
The main computer hardware maintenance, familiar with the operating system.
2005/07--2005/08 Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province Jiang M-Zone HKUST branch practice
Assisted primarily responsible for in-store customers to complete on-line business-related processing.

While studying at the school as Zhenjiang Lincoln Park area (an American band), Vice President of fans, many fans organized activities, such as the theme of the meeting, the group watched the concert, also designed the proction of some of the small band around procts such as clothing will be , Posters and so on, make a lot of friends, fans will have to make large-scale development.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 08:54

Familiar with digital circuit and simulation circuit technology, have certain circuit analytical capacity; Use the oscillograph, the spectral analysis instrument, daily instruments such as the universal meter,etc. skillfully; Master Office office software, is familiar with AutoCAD, use of software such as photoshop, dreamweaver, flash; Have more knowledge of windows operating system, the skilled computer assembles and maintains systematically; Have good English ability and can read the ordinary foreign language materials. 2006/07--2006/08 Jiangsu Province Zhenjiang city gold medal Hewlett-Packard after sale to practise and learn the maintenance of computer hardware mainly, familiar with system operation.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 10:29

(绝对原创)The familiar digital circuit and the analogous circuit technology, has certain circuit analysis ability;
Skilled using oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, avonmeter and so on commonly used instrument;
Is skilled in the Office office software, software's and so on familiar the AutoCAD, photoshop, dreamweaver, flash uses;
Has many understandings to the windows operating system, skilled computer assembly and system maintenance;
Has the good English ability as well as can read the ordinary foreign materials.

我给你翻译一下吧!相信我哦!I 98-20 in the period in the company, customer service, to Shanghai in 2000 after studying law professionals, graduate and then return to the company. In the company five years engaged in legal, administrative, customer service, and other related work...




个人简历Resume 基本信息 Basic information 姓名 Name 性别Gender 男male 民族Nationality 汉Han 出生日期 Birth date 学历Diploma 大专 3-year college 专业Major 应用化工技术 Applied chemistry technology 毕业学校 University 主修外语Major 英语English 电话Tel 籍贯 Birth place 现居住地 Address 简历...


statistical information quality monthly quality report, organize quality monthly meeting, analyze quality issue months, familiar with the control of nonconforming product process, familiar with incoming material quality control,


哪位大侠能帮我把中文简历翻译成英文简历,谢谢! Self evaluation I in the automotive industry working for 16 years, engaged in mechanic, aessories, parts manager and service director, currently engaged in automotive consulting industry, through the Shanghai Volkswagen and Chinese popular evaluation, provi...


surgery liver, gallbladder, pancreas ward work Receive a doctor's degree The capital university of medical sciences Today in Inner Mongolia medical school affiliated hospital general surgery on liver, gallbladder, pancreas ward work 还有,楼上是电脑翻译,请注意辨别,认同的话,请给分 ...


厉害 厉害 加油加油

高分 帮忙翻译下简历(中文翻译为英文,不要机器翻译。谢谢拉)



3。1)熟练ハンドペインティングおよび油絵のスキルが2)コンピューター平面设计関连ソフトを扱う3)に、写真や陶芸だった 4 .さえすれば将来仕事発展に役立つと自分に适した企业に、勤务时间や场所に従っていて企业を配置することにした。「机会があれば、日本では仕事も仆が望んでい...


According to brand annual business plan, the department of "time schedule of the year," and "annual budget plan".According to the fashion trend and industry development, the comprehensive brand positioning, product development time and plan system each quarter.According to the progress ...

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