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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 21:02



热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 07:49

How does this topic mainly aim at uses AVR monolithic integrated circuit ATmega16L the control behavior to carry on the simulation to the operator, thus achieves the bicycle robot's balancing control. And step-by-steps the electrical machinery take the digital simulation control circuit as the forward channel, and realizes bicycle's balancing control take the angular speed sensor as the echo channel. takes the controlled plant the bicycle robot is take the bicycle as a foundation, matches again rotates the steering handle and actuates trailing wheel's director constitution, middle chassis's dwang when the chassis inclines, because the inertia function can be opposite in sensor's axis rotation. Thus causes sensor's output voltage to change, may obtain chassis's angle of tilt through the control circuit to output voltage's processing. surveys bicycle's angle of tilt take the angular speed sensor as the sensitive sensor, realized the pilotless bicycle robot's small scope to control stably initially. Based on take the monolithic integrated circuit as the core electric circuit, realizes with the assembly language programming to sensor's output signal carries on processing, thus realizes according to the processing result to step-by-steps electrical machinery's position servo-control, thus causes the bicycle robot maintains balanced.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 07:50

The main subject of how to use the AVR for single-chip ATmega16L the operator to control the conct of the simulation, so as to achieve a balance bike robot control. Digital simulation and stepper motor control circuit for the former to the channel, and the angular velocity sensor for the reaction channel to achieve the balance of bike control.
Bicycle as a charged object is a bicycle-based robot, together with rotating handlebar and rear wheel drive unit consisting of the implementation, in which the central body of the rotating rod tilted in the body as a result of the role of inertial sensors will be compared with the axis of rotation. So that the sensor output voltage changes, by controlling the output voltage of the circuit can be the body to deal with the tilt angle.
Sensitive to angular velocity sensor for the tilt sensor measuring cycling point of view, the initial realization of the unmanned robot bike stability control a small area. Based on a single chip at the core of the circuit, using assembly language programming of the sensor output signals are processed in order to deal with the results based on the realization of the position of the stepper motor servo control so that the robot to maintain a balance bike.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-22 07:50

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