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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-24 19:34



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 05:25

The Chiangnan Great Wall is located the Zhejiang Province Taizhou to be near the mirage, in fact is near the mirage ancient city wall.The Chiangnan Great Wall long 6000 meters, the extant 5000 meters, east take in all the beautiful scenery the gate, meanders along the northern solid mountain mountain ridge to the smoke rosy cloud Chinese style pavilion, steep goes straight to the lin chiang east bank in the precipice, extends to the turban Shanxi foothill, takes advantage of a situation according to the mountain, to overlook the big river, rectifies if the big dragon, the grand magnificent sight, is especially most towering by north, with Beijing Badaling Great Wall relationship of form and spirit all Xiao, person “Chiangnan Badaling”. The history carries, Ming Dynasty great soldier Qi Jiguang is being near the sea for eight years, resists the Japanese pirate nine to fight nine Czechoslovakia.Period, Qi Jiguang and Governor the Tan black silk ribbon renovation near the sea ancient city wall, creatively cap two spatial enemy towers, have remained now, the relative, Tan afterwards receive assignment the setose thistle state, constructed nearby Beijing's bright Great Wall.They reassign the Chiangnan 3000 common soldiers, in is near the sea fortification experience it to utilize in the bright Great Wall construction project.The north Great Wall's hollow enemy tower, the source from is near the sea.Therefore, north and south Great Wall in specification, construction, structure, common ground quite a lot, actually north Great Wall it “pedagogical” and “main source”, then calls Chiangnan the Great Wall.Has the glorious history near the sea ancient city wall.Since a Jin generation of foundation, had 1600 remaining years of life, the repeat after Tang, Song, Yuan, bright, clear Zhu Chao constructs unceasingly increases expands, its main body part preserves continuously today.The ancient city wall constructs along the river on, takes advantage of a situation according to the mountain, to meander windingly, the male dangerous magnificent sight.North a solid mountain section, constructs in particular summit of at the precipitous cliff, dances in the air the convolution, the enemy tower stands in great numbers, crenelation continually cloud, tower over a city gate high , compares with the Beijing Badaling, may call the outstanding in both fields, called it “the Chiangnan Badaling”, does not overpraise.Has its unique merit is, near sea ancient city wall both sides, ancient wooden towering, year to year green, the city wall complements in the dark green clump, has increased a minute attractiveness. Near sea ancient city wall, besides imperial enemy's function, but also some extremely vital function, is the flood prevention function.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 05:25

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