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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 21:04



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:41

Abstract: Take a viw of taoday's world, globalization has become an irresistible trend to sweep through the whole world.The ultimate cause of globalization is inner expension of economical development, its essential substance expresses to economical globalization. With the rapid development of gloabalization, the cultural communication between races turns more and more tight. Chinese nation has enlightenment for 5000 years with deep cultural bottom, the Chinese culture is an importance constitute part of world culture, being placed in such wave that both conflict and fusion, opportunities and challenges exsited. In ages of the globalization, how to hold opportunity and greet challenge, how to develop Chinese advanced culture, are not only the important topics this generation gave us, but also the crucible we must face.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:41

Abstract: Take a viw of taoday's world, globalization has become an irresistible trend to sweep through the whole world.The ultimate cause of globalization is inner expension of economical development, its essential substance expresses to economical globalization. With the rapid development of gloabalization, the cultural communication between races turns more and more tight. Chinese nation has enlightenment for 5000 years with deep cultural bottom, the Chinese culture is an importance constitute part of world culture, being placed in such wave that both conflict and fusion, opportunities and challenges exsited. In ages of the globalization, how to hold opportunity and greet challenge, how to develop Chinese advanced culture, are not only the important topics this generation gave us, but also the crucible we must face.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:41

Take a wide view nowadays world, the globalization has become a current of time that can't resist to roll up a world.The globalization is the most basic to move to extend because of the inner part from economic development, its essence contents expresses for the economic globalization first.Accompany with the quick development of economic globalization, each cultural contact of the national race is increasingly close.The Chinese nation has civilization history for 5000 years 蕴 with deep cultural bottom, the Chinese culture is a world culture of importance constitute part, is being placed in thus a conflict and fusion, opportunity and challenge keep both of wave tide in.The ages of the globalization, how hold opportunity, greet a challenge, how develop Chinese advanced culture, since that time generation to the important topic that we put forward is also the rigorous test that we have to face.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:42

Summary:Take a wide view nowadays world, the globalization has become a current of time that can't resist to roll up a world.The globalization is the most basic to move because of coming from an economic development of the inner part extend, its essence contents expresses for the economic globalization first.Accompany with the quick development of economic globalization, each cultural contact of the national race is increasingly close.The Chinese nation has civilization history for 5000 years 蕴 with deep cultural bottom, the Chinese culture is a world culture of importance constitute part, is being placed in thus a conflict and fusion, opportunity and challenge keep both of wave tide in.The ages of the globalization, how hold opportunity, greet a challenge, how develop Chinese advanced culture, since that time generation to the important topic that we put forward is also the rigorous test that we have to face.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:41

Take a wide view nowadays world, the globalization has become a current of time that can't resist to roll up a world.The globalization is the most basic to move to extend because of the inner part from economic development, its essence contents expresses for the economic globalization first.Accompany with the quick development of economic globalization, each cultural contact of the national race is increasingly close.The Chinese nation has civilization history for 5000 years 蕴 with deep cultural bottom, the Chinese culture is a world culture of importance constitute part, is being placed in thus a conflict and fusion, opportunity and challenge keep both of wave tide in.The ages of the globalization, how hold opportunity, greet a challenge, how develop Chinese advanced culture, since that time generation to the important topic that we put forward is also the rigorous test that we have to face.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:42

Summary:Take a wide view nowadays world, the globalization has become a current of time that can't resist to roll up a world.The globalization is the most basic to move because of coming from an economic development of the inner part extend, its essence contents expresses for the economic globalization first.Accompany with the quick development of economic globalization, each cultural contact of the national race is increasingly close.The Chinese nation has civilization history for 5000 years 蕴 with deep cultural bottom, the Chinese culture is a world culture of importance constitute part, is being placed in thus a conflict and fusion, opportunity and challenge keep both of wave tide in.The ages of the globalization, how hold opportunity, greet a challenge, how develop Chinese advanced culture, since that time generation to the important topic that we put forward is also the rigorous test that we have to face.
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