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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 21:04



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:40

China's entry of the WTO indicates that our opening up has entered a new stage of development. With the accelerating process of economic globalization,it has brought new market rules of the game, new ideas, knowledge, technology, capital, talent, and the huge global market. To the whole of our society's economic and living enormous changes, and that international trade has undergone tremendous change, China's following the "going out" conditions greatly improved. Enterprises to enter the international market to develop ways to meet the objectives of internationalization, entrepreneurship and the national system of environmental programmes. To do self-adjustment, seize the opportunity, take the initiative to meet the challenges.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:41


热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:41

Entering WTO represented that we steped to a new stage of development of the opening to the outside world. Accomanpied with the economy globalization grow faster and faster,we have been given new rules of market,new notions, knowledge, technology, fund,talent and large markets of the world. It makes the economy and life of our whole society and the world trade change a lot,and also improves the condition of China "Going out to the world".Companies should make sure that the establishment of the way to the international market conforms to international objectives, company ability and environment programs of some countries. So we should adjust ourselves, hold the opportunities and welcome the challenges actively.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:42

Accession to the WTO indicates that our opening up has entered a new stage of development. With the accelerating process of economic globalization has brought new market rules of the game, new ideas, knowledge, technology, capital, talent, and the huge global market. To the whole of our society's economic and living enormous changes, and that international trade has undergone tremendous change, China follow the "going out" conditions greatly improved. Enterprises to enter the international market to develop ways to meet the objectives of internationalization, entrepreneurship and the national system of environmental programmes. To do self-adjustment, seize the opportunity, take the initiative to meet the challenges.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:40

China's entry of the WTO indicates that our opening up has entered a new stage of development. With the accelerating process of economic globalization,it has brought new market rules of the game, new ideas, knowledge, technology, capital, talent, and the huge global market. To the whole of our society's economic and living enormous changes, and that international trade has undergone tremendous change, China's following the "going out" conditions greatly improved. Enterprises to enter the international market to develop ways to meet the objectives of internationalization, entrepreneurship and the national system of environmental programmes. To do self-adjustment, seize the opportunity, take the initiative to meet the challenges.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:41


热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:41

Entering WTO represented that we steped to a new stage of development of the opening to the outside world. Accomanpied with the economy globalization grow faster and faster,we have been given new rules of market,new notions, knowledge, technology, fund,talent and large markets of the world. It makes the economy and life of our whole society and the world trade change a lot,and also improves the condition of China "Going out to the world".Companies should make sure that the establishment of the way to the international market conforms to international objectives, company ability and environment programs of some countries. So we should adjust ourselves, hold the opportunities and welcome the challenges actively.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:42

Accession to the WTO indicates that our opening up has entered a new stage of development. With the accelerating process of economic globalization has brought new market rules of the game, new ideas, knowledge, technology, capital, talent, and the huge global market. To the whole of our society's economic and living enormous changes, and that international trade has undergone tremendous change, China follow the "going out" conditions greatly improved. Enterprises to enter the international market to develop ways to meet the objectives of internationalization, entrepreneurship and the national system of environmental programmes. To do self-adjustment, seize the opportunity, take the initiative to meet the challenges.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:43

China's entry of the WTO inadicates that our opening up has entered a new stage of development. With the accelerating process of economic globalization,it has brought new market rules of the game, new ideas, knowledge, technology, capital, talent, and the huge global market. To the whole of our society's economic and living enormous changes, and that international trade has undergone tremendous change, China's following the "going out" conditions greatly improved. Enterprises to enter the international market to develop ways to meet the objectives of internationalization, entrepreneurship and the national system of environmental programmes. To do self-adjustment, seize the opportunity, take the initiative to meet the challenges.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:43


热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:43

China's entry of the WTO inadicates that our opening up has entered a new stage of development. With the accelerating process of economic globalization,it has brought new market rules of the game, new ideas, knowledge, technology, capital, talent, and the huge global market. To the whole of our society's economic and living enormous changes, and that international trade has undergone tremendous change, China's following the "going out" conditions greatly improved. Enterprises to enter the international market to develop ways to meet the objectives of internationalization, entrepreneurship and the national system of environmental programmes. To do self-adjustment, seize the opportunity, take the initiative to meet the challenges.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 03:43

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