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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 20:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 16:33

SuZhou The city of Suzhou, originally constructed by HE LU, rule of the State of Wu, will celebrate the 2500th anniversary of its foundation this year. This ancient city witnessed in its long history innumerable epoch making events and countless eminent of the per-sonages. These have become a rich cultural heritage of the Chinese people. The towarding pagoda on the Tiger Hill is mute testimony to the splendid culture and civilisation of the city. people in Suzhou are adept in gathering condensing and reprocing everything beautiful that has ever existed. The gardens for which Suzhou is famous boast the exquisite reproction in as small area of lofty mountains and affluent rivers, imperial palaces and country houses. Gardens such as Canglang Pavilion, Zhuozheng yuan(The Humble Administrators garden), Wangshiyuan(Anglers Garden), Shizilin(the lion Grove Garden), Liuyuan(Lingering garden), Yiyuan(Joyous garden), etc. Epitomise the different architectural styles of the Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties. Natural hills and creeks add beauty to the tranquil rural scenery of Suzhou. Hills low as they are, are dotted with scenic spots; creaks, shallow as they are, crisscross the whole city, hence its name the Venice of the East. Suzhou is like a picture rich in unique flavour. the mist upon the Lignin Hill and the reflection in water of the Bees Pagoda and the chiming of the giant to the ears. Tourists will be dazzled by the great variety of handicraft articles -- potted landscapes, Suzhou embroidery sandalwood fans, theatrical engraving, mahogany furniture, minute carving -- which are known far and wide for their superb artistry. No wonder people speak of Suzhou as a paradise on earth.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 16:33


热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 16:33


热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 16:33

SuZhou The city of Suzhou, originally constructed by HE LU, rule of the State of Wu, will celebrate the 2500th anniversary of its foundation this year. This ancient city witnessed in its long history innumerable epoch making events and countless eminent of the per-sonages. These have become a rich cultural heritage of the Chinese people. The towarding pagoda on the Tiger Hill is mute testimony to the splendid culture and civilisation of the city. people in Suzhou are adept in gathering condensing and reprocing everything beautiful that has ever existed. The gardens for which Suzhou is famous boast the exquisite reproction in as small area of lofty mountains and affluent rivers, imperial palaces and country houses. Gardens such as Canglang Pavilion, Zhuozheng yuan(The Humble Administrators garden), Wangshiyuan(Anglers Garden), Shizilin(the lion Grove Garden), Liuyuan(Lingering garden), Yiyuan(Joyous garden), etc. Epitomise the different architectural styles of the Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties. Natural hills and creeks add beauty to the tranquil rural scenery of Suzhou. Hills low as they are, are dotted with scenic spots; creaks, shallow as they are, crisscross the whole city, hence its name the Venice of the East. Suzhou is like a picture rich in unique flavour. the mist upon the Lignin Hill and the reflection in water of the Bees Pagoda and the chiming of the giant to the ears. Tourists will be dazzled by the great variety of handicraft articles -- potted landscapes, Suzhou embroidery sandalwood fans, theatrical engraving, mahogany furniture, minute carving -- which are known far and wide for their superb artistry. No wonder people speak of Suzhou as a paradise on earth.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 16:33


热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 16:33

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