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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 16:18



热心网友 时间:2022-07-09 22:19

To determine the processing properties of raw ginger, the rhizome of changes in the main components of different growth period and storage period. The results show that, rhizome dry matter, soluble sugar, soluble starch, crude fiber and ginger oil resin content was increased with the growth period and storage period increased, while the soluble protein and free amino acid content in the ginger early growth stage is higher, growth period and storage period was low and no significant change. Ginger growth process, the chemical composition of ginger oleoresin increased, while the ginger ring storage, although new compounds were synthesized, but along with the extension of storage time, ginger oleoresins of β - terpineol, neral, bornyl acetate and other 14 kinds of trace volatile components disappear, but not at the same time the main component of rhizome ginger oleoresin is basically the same. Ginger planting after 4 ~ 5 months, rhizome yield reached a higher level, and the dry matter and ginger oleoresin content is low, Xin Lawei is lighter, less crude fiber, suitable for pickling; ginger after storage for 60d, rhizome dry matter, soluble starch and ginger oil resin content has been basically stable, suitable for dewatering, starch processing and Yu Shengjiang ginger extract. The Sichuan Dazhou proction of purple sweet potato as raw material, the application of modern fermentation technology, through single factor experiment and response surface experiments of fermentation conditions on the purple sweet potato wine were studied, so as to determine the optimum process parameters of purple sweet potato wine fermentation. The results show that: the beating on gelatinization of purple sweet potato, the pH value is 6.5, α - amylase dosage 0.15%, temperature 65 ℃, enzymatic hydrolysis time was 2.5h under the conditions of liquefaction; when the pH value is 4, saccharifying enzyme added 0.15%, enzymatic hydrolysis time was 2.5h, for saccharification condition is 60 ℃; and then to purple sweet potato wine to adjust the pH value is 3.355, the addition of 0.0845% An Qi high active dry yeast, at a temperature of 20.72 ℃, fermentation 7d, you can get a new type of purple sweet potato wine alcohol content is 10 °, the rate is 126.3%
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