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主要统计指标解释 Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicator...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 15:55



热心网友 时间:2022-04-21 23:26

新发现矿产地 是指报告期内通过各类地质调查工作,或者根据群众报矿、群众采矿线索新发现的,并经过矿产调查工作证实为有进一步工作意义或具有工业价值,具有一定规模,作出初步评价的矿区。

坑探工作量 是指用凿岩机械或人工开凿的各种坑道工程,以“米”计量,取整数。

机械岩心钻探工作量 是指用动力机械带动,回转或冲击回转钻进,并以取出岩心了解和研究地下地质情况为目的的钻探工作。如手轮给进钻机、油压钻机、石油钻机、海洋石油钻机、水文水井钻机以及汽车钻机等。以“米”计量,取整数。

地质勘查经费 是指报告期完成的来自各方面的地质勘查资金。包括完成的*财政、地方财政地质勘查拨款,企事业单位、港澳台商、外商投入的地质勘查工作的资金以及其他资金。

*财政拨款 是指报告期实际完成的由国家预算收支科目安排的直接用于地质勘查经费。

地方财政拨款 是指报告期实际完成的地方财政拨付的地质勘查经费。

企事业资金 是指报告期完成的各类企事业单位投入的地质勘查工作的资金。包括国内企事业资金、港澳台商投资和外商投资。

国内企事业资金 是指报告期完成的国有、集体企事业单位和私营企业投入地质勘查工作的资金。

港澳台商投资 是指港澳台企业和经济组织或个人按我国有关*、法规,用现汇、实物(折资)和技术等投入地质勘查工作资金。

外商投资 是指报告期内完成境外投入地质勘查工作的资金,包括外商直接投资、对外借贷(外国*贷款、国际金融组织贷款、出口信贷、外国银行商业贷款、对外发行债券和股票)及外商其他投资(包括补偿贸易和加工装配由外商提供的设备价款、国际租赁)。不包括我国自有外汇资金(包括国家外汇、地方外汇、流程外汇、调剂外汇和中国银行自有资金发行的外汇贷款等)。

年末在职职工 是指事业单位在编人员,企业在册人员,与单位签订聘用合同、劳动合同或符合劳动保障部门关于认定形成事实劳动关系条件的人员,不含外方及港澳台人员、实习在校生、参军人员及未经聘用、留用的离退休人员。

地质勘查人员 是指年末在职职工中,从事地质勘查工作的人员,包括从事基础地质调查、矿产资源调查、资源潜力评价、水文地质、工程地质、环境地质、物探、化探、遥感、岩矿鉴定测试、地质测量等工作的在职职工。

技术人员 是指在地勘单位中从事工作并取得劳动报酬的,具有初级及初级以上地质勘查专业技术职称的在职职工,包括已取得专业技术职称,现从事技术管理和行政管理工作的行政人员。

高级 是指地勘单位技术人员中,经过职称评定机构颁发高级技术职称证书的技术人员。

中级 是指地勘单位技术人员中,经过职称评定机构颁发中级技术职称证书的技术人员。


工程勘察与施工人员 是指填报单位中专业从事建筑工程勘察、设计、施工工作的人员。

矿产开发人员 是指填报单位中从事矿产资源开发利用的人员。

其他人员 是指填报单位年末在职职工中除地质勘查、工程勘察施工、矿产开发人员以外的人员。

平均从业人员 是指报告期内在填报单位从事一定社会劳动并取得劳动报酬或经营收入的各类人员。包括各类单位在岗职工、再就业的离退休人员、聘用的外籍人员和港、澳、台方人员、领取补贴的兼职人员、直接支付工资的劳务工以及个体从业人员、农村从业人员和非正规就业人员等。

平均从业人数=(年初人数+年末人数)/2 或用年度各月平均人数之和除以 12。

劳动者报酬 是指在报告期内直接支付给本单位使用的全部劳动报酬(生活费)总额。包括:职工工资总额,聘用人员报酬,聘用、留用的离退休人员劳动报酬,外籍及港澳台人员的劳动报酬以及人事档案保留在原单位人员的劳动报酬。

离退休人员年末人数 是指历年来由本单位离、退休,在省财政计划内并且在本单位领取离、退休经费人员的年末总人数。

离退休人员总费用 是指报告期内由填报单位支出的离退休人员的离退休经费(包括生活和物价补贴)、补贴等费用(包括医疗卫生费、交通费补贴、丧葬抚恤救济费、冬季取暖补贴、安家补贴、生活困难补助、护理费、书报费等)总和。

总资产 是指填报单位年末拥有或控制的全部资产总额,包括流动资产、长期投资、固定资产、无形及递延资产、其他长期资产、递延税项等,为本单位资产负债表的资产总计项。

地勘专用仪器设备原值 是指本单位用于地质勘查的专业仪器设备原值。

地勘专用仪器设备净值 是指本年末本单位用于地质勘查的专业仪器设备净值。

总负债 是指填报单位年末所承担的能以货币计量,将以资产或劳务偿付的债务。

净资产 指资产减去负债的差额,所有者权益,包括事业基金、固定基金、专用基金、结余等,以及企业的实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积和未分配利润等。

总收入 是指报告期内填报单位从事各种经济活动所取得的收入总额,包括地质勘查收入、矿业权转让收入、矿产开发收入、工程勘察施工收入和其他收入。

地质勘查业收入 是指报告期内填报单位从事地质勘查经济活动所取得的各种收入总和。包括地质勘探费、地质专项拨款、矿产勘查劳务收入等。

地质勘探费 是指以 1998 年为基数,由*财政划转给省财政单列,继续用于地质勘查单位离退休人员,地质勘查工作和经常性费用支出,该指标按照*财政及地方财政投入分别统计。

地质专项拨款 是指在报告期内地勘单位取得的*及地方地质专项拨款费用,包括国土资源大调查项目、矿产资源补偿费项目、财政补贴项目、危机矿山项目、地勘基金项目等,也包括市、县*设立的各类地质勘查专项项目,按*和地方的各类专项分别统计。

矿产勘查劳务收入 是指报告期内填报单位在本省、省外及境外地质勘查市场,从事地质勘查工作(如从事商业性地质矿产勘查项目、地质勘查技术劳务、地质灾害调查评估等)取得的收入,属于地勘单位经营性收入。

涉外 是指报告期内填报单位在境外地质勘查市场从事地勘工作所取得的收入。

矿业权转让收入 是指报告期内,填报单位通过矿业权转让取得的收入,包括通过合资、合作方式成立矿业公司获得的矿产资源开发收入。

矿产开发收入 是指报告期内,填报单位从事矿产资源开发活动所取得的收入,包括通过合资、合作方式成立矿业公司获得的矿产资源开发收入。

工程勘察施工收入 是指报告期内,填报单位凭建设主管部门发放的建设工程勘察设计、岩土施工、建筑施工企业等专业资质,从事建设工程勘察、工程设计、工程施工等经营活动取得的各项收入。

其他收入 是指报告期内,填报单位在总收入中除去从事地质勘查、矿业权转让、矿产开发、工程勘察施工等经济活动以外的收入。

总支出 是指报告期内,填报单位为开展业务活动和其他活动所发生的各项资金耗费及损失,以及用于基本建设项目的开支。

地质勘查(项目)支出 是指报告期内,填报单位从事地质勘查项目而发生的各种成本、费用的支出总额。


矿产开发支出 是指报告期内,填报单位从事矿产资源开发活动而发生的各项成本、费用支出总额。

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Newly discovered mineral prospects — refers to a mineral occurrence that is newly found through all kinds of geological survey or on the basis of the ore information and clues reported by the broad masses of people, demonstrated through mineral surveys to be of value for further work or of instrial value and have a certain size, and evaluated preliminarily ring the reporting period.

Footage of pitting — refers to the advances of various underground workings excavated by rock drills or manual operations. It is calculated by “meters” and rounded off.

Footage of core drilling — refers to the penetration of rotary or percussive drilling driven by power machinery that recovers the core in order to study the underground geology. The drills include hand-lever feed drills, hydraulic feed drills, oil drills, marine oil drills, hydrological water well drills, and truck-mounted drills. It is calculated in “meters” and rounded off.

Expenditures for geological exploration — refer to the funds for geological exploration from various sides completed ring the reporting period. They include funds allocated from the Central and local financial budgets for geological exploration, funds invested by enterprises and institutions, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan businessmen, and foreign businessmen for geological exploration, and other funds.

Central special budgetary allocations — refer to expenditures directly used for geological exploration and arranged by the state budgeted revenue and expenditure account, which are actually completed ring the reporting period.

Local special budgetary allocations — refer to expenditures for geological exploration and allocated by local finance, which are actually completed ring the reporting period.

Funds from enterprises and institutions — refer to the funds invested by various enterprises and institutions for geological exploration, which are completed ring the reporting period. They include funds invested by domestic enterprises and institutions, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan businessmen, and foreign businessmen.

Funds from domestic enterprises and institutions — refer to the funds invested by state- and collective-owned enterprises and institutions and private enterprises for geological exploration, which are completed ring the reporting period.

Investments from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan — refer to the funds invested by Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan enterprises or economic establishments or indivials in cash, kind (converted into money according to the price indices), and technologies for geological exploration according to relevant policies, laws and regulations of China.

Foreign investment — refers to the funds invested from abroad for geological exploration, which are completed ring the reporting period. They include foreign direct investments, foreign loans (loans from foreign governments, loans from international financial organizations, export credit loan, commercial loans from foreign banks, and bonds and stocks issued abroad) and other investments of foreigners (including compensation trade, processing and assembling for which the equipment and funds are provided by foreign businessmen, and international leasing) but China’s free exchange funds (including national exchanges, local exchanges, floating exchanges, accommodation exchanges, and foreign exchanges loans issued using the equity capital of the Bank of China) are excluded.

On-the-job employees at the year end — refer to permanent staff and workers in institutions, registered staff and workers in enterprises, and personnel who have signed employment contracts or labor contracts or those who are qualified for the conditions of factual labor relations determined by the labor insurance department (excluding foreigners, personnel of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, currently enrolled student trainees, those who have joined the army, and retirees who are not re-employed).

Geological exploration personnel-refer to the personnel who are directly engaged in geological exploration among employees on the job at the year end, including those who conct basic geological survey, mineral resources survey, resource potential assessments, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and environmental surveys, geophysical exploration, geochemical exploration, remote-sensing survey, rock and mineral identification and analysis, and geological mapping and surveying.

Technical personnel — refer to on-the-job personnel who work in geological exploration units and receive payments and have technical titles of geological exploration at and above the junior title. They include administrative personnel who have professional technical titles and now are engaged in technical management and administrative management.

Senior — refers to persons among technical personnel in geological exploration units who receive certificates of senior technical titles issued by agencies of evaluation of professional titles.

Intermediate — refers to persons among technical personnel in geological exploration units who receive certificates of intermediate technical titles issued by agencies of evaluation of professional titles.

The above-mentioned title certificates mainly include certificates of senior and intermediate technical titles and professional technical titles or approval documents issued by departments in charge of geological exploration of various instries under the former Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources and former State Council or departments of personnel at the provincial level.

Personnel engaging in engineering surveys and operations — refer to persons who engage in engineering surveys and operations in geological exploration units.

Personnel engaging in mineral resource development — refer to persons who engage in mineral exploitation and utilization in geological exploration units.

Other personnel — refer to personnel other than personnel concting geological exploration, engineering surveys and operations, and mineral exploitation among on-the-job employees of the reporting units at the year end.

Average employees — refer to the personnel who engage in certain social labor and receive payments or operating income in the reporting units ring the reporting period, including employees on the spot, re-employed retirees, engaged foreigners and personnel of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, part-time ty personnel who receive subsidies, and labor workers whose wages are directly paid, as well as indivial employees, rural employees, and unregular employees.

The average number of employees=(number of employees at year beginning + number of employees at year end)/2 or the sum of the average monthly numbers ring the current year/12.

Remuneration payment of employees — refers to the total sum of payments of labor (living expenses) paid directly to all the employees in the unit ring the reporting period. It includes the sum of salaries and wages of employees on the job, payments of engaged personnel, payments of engaged and employed retirees, payments of foreigners and personnel of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, and payments of personnel whose personnel files are kept in their original units.

Number of retirees at the year end — refers to persons who are retired from their original units and get their pensions from their original units over the years in the provincial financial plan.

Total expenditure of retirees — refers to the total sum of pensions of retirees (including living and commodity price allowances) and subsidies to retirees (medical insurance and sanitation subsidy, traffic subsidy, allowances for funeral expenses and pensions and relief fund for their immediate relatives, subsidy for heating in winter, settlement allowance, subsidy for life difficulties, nursing subsidy, and newspaper and magazine allowance) paid by the reporting units ring the reporting period.

Total assets-refer to the total amount of all the assets owned or controlled by the reporting units at the year end, including current assets, long-term investment, fixed assets, immaterial and deferred assets, other long-term assets, and deferred taxes. They are the item of total assets in the balance sheet of the unit.

Original value of special instruments and equipment-refers to the original value of special instruments and equipment used for geological exploration.

Net value of special instruments and equipment — refers to the net value of special instruments and equipment used for geological exploration at the end of the current year.

Total debts — refer to the debts assumed by the reporting units at the year end, which can be measured as currency and repaid by assets or labor services.

Net assets — refer to the balance of assets minus debts. The interests of an owner include the enterprise fund, fixed fund, special fund and balance, as well as the paid-in capital, capital reserves, surplus reserves, and undistributed profit.

General revenue — refers to the total amount of revenues obtained in economic activities undertaken by the reporting unit ring the reporting period, including revenues from geological exploration, transfer of mining rights, mineral resources exploitation, engineering surveys and operations, and others.

Revenue from geological exploration — refers to the sum of all kinds of revenue obtained in economic activities of geological exploration by the reporting unit ring the reporting period, including fees of geological exploration, special allocations for geological work, and revenue of labor services of mineral exploration.

Funds of geological exploration — refer to the funds that take the figure of the fiscal year of 1998 as the base and are transferred by the central budget to the provincial budget, listed separately and used for retirees, geological exploration, and current expenditures of geological exploration units. This indicator is calculated separately according to the central and local financial inputs.

Special budgetary allocations for geological projects — refer to the funds obtained by geological exploration units from the central and local special budgetary allocations for geological projects ring the reporting period. These projects include the project of land and resources survey, project of compensation for mineral resources, project of financial subsidies, project of mines facing resource crisis, and project of geological exploration funds, as well as various special geological exploration projects set up by the city and county governments. They are calculated separately according to the central and local special projects.

Revenue of labor services of mineral exploration — refers to the revenue obtained by reporting units ring the reporting period when they conct geological exploration (e.g. commercial mineral exploration, labor services about geological exploration techniques, and geological hazard survey and assessments) in geological exploration markets inside and outside the province and abroad). It belongs to the operating revenue of geological exploration units.

Foreign-related — refers to the revenue obtained by Chinese reporting units in their geological exploration in the overseas geological exploration markets ring the reporting period.

Revenue from transfer of mining rights — refers to the revenue obtained by reporting units through transfer of mining rights ring the reporting period, including the revenue of mineral resource exploitation obtained through the ways of cooperation and joint investment to establish mining ventures.

Revenue from mineral resource Development — refers to the revenue obtained by reporting units through mineral resource exploitation and operations ring the reporting period, including the revenue of mineral resource exploitation obtained through the ways of cooperation and joint investment to establish mining ventures.

Revenue from engineering surveys and operations — refers to all items of revenues obtained by reporting units ring the reporting period through operational activities such as construction engineering surveys, engineering designs, and engineering operations by virtue of professional qualification certificates of construction engineering survey and design, earthwork, and construction enterprises issued by administrative departments in charge of construction.

Other revenues — refer to the revenues other than the revenues obtained by reporting units through economic activities such as geological exploration, transfer of mining rights, mineral resource exploitation, and engineering surveys and operations ring the reporting period.

General expenditures — refers to the expenses and losses of all items of funds and expenditure incurred by reporting units for operational activities and other activities ring the reporting period, as well as the expenditure used for capital construction projects

Expenditures of mineral exploration (projects) — refers to the total amount of all items of costs and expenses incurred e to carrying out geological exploration projects by reporting units ring the reporting period.

Free funds refer to that part of funds included in the ownership interest (of a unit). They are various kinds of free funds (including enterprise depreciation fund, capital reserves, registered capital, enterprise surplus reserves, and other free capitals, as well as funds collected through issuing stocks) that an enterprise can dispose of according to regulations of the financial system.

Expenditures of mineral resource exploitation — refer to the total amount of all items of costs and expenses incurred e to mineral resource exploitation and operations of reporting units ring the reporting period.

有效的教学激励策略有哪些 手机充电嗡嗡响怎么回事 手机在充电时发出嗡嗡作响 手机充电头快充有嗡嗡的声音 影视多媒体设计真的不好找工作吗 专科学影视多媒体技术好就业吗 影视多媒体技术专业就业怎么样 影视多媒体技术就业率 胆结石病人在输血后半个月,全身开始发痒是什么原因,怎样能够止痒呢?谢 ... 有关胆结石手术后的恢复,求教 银行外汇业务的银行外汇业务范围界定 什么叫外汇直投? 外汇资本金如何转账回国? 境外投资外汇怎么操作 炒外汇的收入怎么和银行解释资金来源 招商银行一卡通美金账户内的自有外汇(不是指人民币购汇而是本来就有的外汇资金)向境外汇款有额度*么 国家对境内机构外汇管理的规定是什么? 中国对个人持有外汇有什么规定?国内炒外汇有些什么途径? 境内机构可以使用什么进行境外直接投资 陌陌上显示20多公里怎么能找到对方准确位置 怎么通过陌陌找到她的或QQ号 excel怎么查询 一列包含某个值(多个) 如何查看excel中一列是否包含另一列的内容 如何用EXCEL查找包含某几个关键词的所有行? excel查询包含某行? 炸薯条必须要放面粉吗? 用恍如的恍组词 惚的形近字是什么? 凉拌炸薯条怎么做?5步完成酥炸薯条 恍字组词 境外合资企业向境内的投资方借款,有哪些具体规定,有文号就行,怎么操作? 普通公司为几十人做担保人合法吗 求境外投资外汇登记书面申请及外汇资金来情况说明材料范本 悬浮窗口在哪 蘑菇炒白菜的家常做法大全怎么做好 虎牙直播进程为什么反方向怎么调回来? 为什么总是无故被封? 蘑菇和白菜怎样炒好吃 常州市鼎智机电有限公司怎么样? 炒蘑菇白菜的家常做法大全家常 蘑菇白菜的做法 常州惠勒电机有限公司怎么样? 请问我的为什么老被封 蘑菇怎么做好吃,白菜片炒蘑菇的家常做法 白菜炒蘑菇的做法 虎牙直播哪个版本是横屏的 我的老是被别人申诉登录,有什么解决的办法? 常州德昌机电科技有限公司怎么样? 白菜炒蘑菇的简单做法 老是莫名其妙被人举报是怎么回事?