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我最崇拜的科学家 英语作文 介绍一下我最崇拜的科学家的事迹,80字左右...

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 18:18



热心网友 时间:2022-06-08 20:21

Marie Curie,or rather Marya Sklodowska,was born in Warsaw on November 7,1867.At the time,the Polish capital was occupied by the Russians,who were seeking to weaken the local élite but nonetheless tolerated the burgeoning of the positivist doctrine advocated by Auguste Comte.Based on the value of experience and scientific reality,and applied to society,it was for many intellectuals the path of progress; it was to leave an indelible mark on Marya.Born into a family of teachers and brought up in an environment marked by a sense of ty and a lack of money,she led the most Spartan of lives.From the premature death of one of her sisters,and later of her mother,she drew the agnosticism that would later bolster her faith in science.As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration,Marya harboured the dream of a scientific career,a concept inconceivable for a woman at that time.But lack of funds meant she was forced to become a private tutor.She made huge financial sacrifices so that her sister Bronia could fulfil her wish of studying medicine in Paris,nurturing the hope that the favour might be returned.
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