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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 18:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 08:31


Thank you for your interest in our university.

The new MA Application Guide for 2009 is updated on our webpage on 12 Jan. Please read it. You can find application requirements from pages 5-13.

No need to contact any agent. You make your application package by yourself and send it to our Application Office. No Finnish language skills are required, but you have to deliver your English language certificate.

Tuition (at the moment):
If you are accepted as our MA degree student, you only have to pay for study materials (100-200 eur/term depending on courses) and the fee for student union (about 100 eur/year). There is no particular tuition fee. You will need about 700-800 eur/month (including rent) for living.

Our university has no scholarship system that covers your living cost. You have to check yoursel if your country has any foundation/organization that can help you.

Terveisin/ Greetings,
Naoko Nakagawa
Opetus- ja opiskelijapalvelut
Taideteollinen korkeakoulu TaiK
puh +358 9 75630403

Ms Naoko Nakagawa
International Student Counsellor
Teaching and Learning Support Services TALSS
University of Art and Design Helsinki TaiK
tel + 358 9 75630403

>>> <xxwyme@sina.com> 23 January 2009 06:49 >>>
Dear teacher:
I'm Aaron in China, second year in Xiamen University, who's with a desire to go on further Master degree study in your school. My major is advertisement. I'm wondering about whether I could study design in Master years. And if any agency is necessary if I want to make application, or contact you directly is OK.
I searched infomation about accepting international student on your website. Could you give me a exact requirement of the standard of score I should get in the four years university studing. And what language ability or certificate is required. If Finland local language is necessary?
I'm also confused about the cost. I can not find a reliable news, so I want to ask if you started to charge study fees to student. Because I've heard that part of fees may be free. What is more, I want to know, how much is a nomal travelling student's cost yearly or monthly in daily life. I asked this question to some agency dealing with aboard study, but I think they a all telling me the lowest cost, maybe for some commercial purpose. So I just want to know, the real cost of a international student. Thanks a lot.
Aaron From China




QQ 767287120 不介意的话我们交个朋友,去芬兰留学准备的过程中也能互通有无..

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 08:31

Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry
Art Theory, Criticism and Management
Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies
Bayesian Statistics and Decision Analysis
Economy, State and Society
Ethnic Relations, Cultural Diversity and Integration
European Studies
Food Sciences
Forest Sciences and Business
Forestry and Environmental Engineering
Information and Communications Technology
Intercultural Encounters
Media and Global Communication
Plant Proction Science
Practical Philosophy
Religious Roots of Europe
Research Master's Programme in Social
Space Sciences

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 08:32


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 08:32

2. 赫尔辛基大学是一所在国际上享有盛誉的著名高等学府,也是芬兰第一所国立大学,赫尔辛基大学下辖有九个学院(神、
FacultyofSocialSciences 社会学系
-DepartmentofCommunication 信息学
-DepartmentofEconomics 经济学
-DepartmentofPoliticalScience *学
-DepartmentofSocialandMoralPhilosophy 社会道德哲学
-DepartmentofSocialPolicy 社会*学
-DepartmentofSocialPsychology 社会心理学
-DepartmentofSociology 社会学
-DepartmentofStatistics 统计学
-InstituteofDevelopmentStudies 社会发展学
FacultyofAgricultureandForestry 农学和林学系
-DepartmentofAnimalScience 兽医学
-DepartmentofAppliedBiology 实用生物学
-DepartmentofAppliedChemistryandMicrobiology 应用化学和微生物学
-DepartmentofEconomicsandManagement 经济和管理学
-DepartmentofFoodTechnology 食品技术学
-DepartmentofForestEcology 森林生态学
-DepartmentofForestEconomics 森林经济学
-DepartmentofForestResourceManagement 森林资源管理
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