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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-21 04:16




there is the history of the Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang dynasties, including 13 in the capital, is one of the world'


I love them all.

以“介绍中国”为题写一篇英语短文 50词

I am from China.China is a really beautiful country,and it's very big.I'd love to introduce(介绍)it to you.China is in northeast of Asia.China is famous for its view.There are many placesto visit,like The Great Wall,The Summer Palace and so on.And China has many delic...


Mention China, everyone will think to the Yangtze river. But many people ignore the upper reaches of the Yangtze River that beautiful and magnificent three gorges.The total length of more than 700 in cross-strait three gorges, mountains, heavy the Yan Yan rock like barrier, the ri...


求英语高手帮我写一篇英语作文。题材是:作为中国旅行社的一位实习导游,明天你将带领美国旅行团参观游览西湖,所以需要先就有关事项口头通知他们。通知要求包括以下内容。... 求英语高手帮我写一篇英语作文。题材是:作为中国旅行社的一位实习导游,明天你将带领美国旅行团参观游览西湖,所以需要先就有关事项口头通知他们。

以“How to save our world”为题写一篇50词左右的英语作文_百度...

There is a lyric in "Heal the word": There’s a place in your heart And I know that it is love.It told me Love is the one and only one to save the world.Many of today's environmental problems affecting urban and rural areas derive from neglect of society's long-term ...


1. 英语作文(My winter vacation)批注翻译100词急 My winter vacation During the winter vacation,nothing is different of my life. I wake up 11 o'clock Am everyday,after a washing,I have a good lunch with my parents. Next ,I play puter games till the time to have supper. After have dinn...

请你以“This is Mi!”为题,写一篇50词左右的英语作文

Good morning,everyone!Nice to meet you!I'm glad to stand here to say something about myself: My name is XX,I'm 12 years old. I'm from XX.I like reading, singing, dancing, playing basketball and listening to music. My favourite subject is maths, but I 'm not good at...


According to the Western Han Chang'an city planning, city未央宫in the southwest, southeast长乐宫in the city, and Jianzhang Palace in the west outside the city.未央宫and are built in长乐宫Longshou high plateau on the ground, use of the topography of the parents to highlight the ...


the Qin Dynasty. The Great Wall was built in ancient China to keep out invaders, however, it is now regared as one of the most important tourist spots in our country or even in the whole world. Every year, it is visited by thousands of people from all over the world....

如果你是导游你怎么介绍西安 以导游的身份介绍西安 介绍西安导游词 导游介绍西安旅游景点 小学生介绍西安的导游词 西安一日游导游情况 古城西安简介导游词 西安旅游导游推荐 西安概况导游讲解词
氰基硼氢化钠可以在醛酮的还原氨化中做还原剂,那硼氢化钠可以吗 怎样鉴别和田玉与阿富汗玉?-和田玉资讯 乌鸡红豆汤的热量是多少? 春季喝乌鸡汤加红豆红枣香姑好不好 天天喝一碗乌鸡红豆汤好吗 乌鸡红豆汤乌鸡红豆汤营养分析 香蕉和鸡蛋能一起吃么? 新余市半格娱乐有限公司怎么样? 海尔kfr-72lw/08dba22a 3匹柜式空调室内机出水离地多少 红茶和乌龙茶哪个减肥效果好 批八字,男命辛酉己亥戊戌癸亥,大运戊戌,丁酉,丙申,乙未,甲...1 为什么汽车倒车影像把后备箱打开它就显示不打开你的摄像头就不显示不... 乾造:戊申、癸亥、辛卯、丁酉。七岁上大运,命宫辛酉。这个八字... 最强大脑鲍橒哪一期 求八年级的英语作文:假如你是一名导游,以“How to ge...8 假如我是动物园导游,我向游客介绍动物:(英语作文带翻译)5 在excel工作表中怎么做表格 用Camtasia Studio 8录制屏幕时为什么录制不了声音,麦克风无法打开?_百... 领取一次性工伤医疗补助金要等到我退休之后才能拿吗?而且还不要...7 梦见把捡到的钱存银行 梦见钱存银行存不进去什么意思? 周公解梦梦见别人打钱到我的银行卡里3万块钱预示什么?20 最正宗日本家庭做法,简单又好吃,怎么做 我在厂里工伤平估九级我四十五厂里倒闭说帮我交保险到退休拿生活... 苹果手机官网和实体店的价格一样吗?74 我的永久被封了,还能解开吗? ...信息显示卡下来了,是悦卡银联金卡,谁知道额度能给多少啊?_百度... 一九九三年邮票多少钱 梦见别人把银行卡给自己是什么意思?47 求一部在法国获奖的电影,大概讲的是:几个人在路上(或车上)发...1 乾造:己巳,丙子,癸亥,辛酉 求解2018年戊戌年运势如何?... 男命,辛酉己亥戊戌癸亥,大运戊戌,丁酉,丙申,乙未,甲午,癸... 癸亥,乙卯,辛酉,丁酉是什么命格? 大师您好戊午庚申乙丑丙子男命,大运辛酉,壬戌,癸亥,甲子,乙...1 男命,辛酉己亥戊戌癸亥,大运戊戌,丁酉,丙申,乙未,甲午,癸...1 我的被永久封了怎么恢复呢? 阿道夫洗发水效果好不好1336 从四川省仪陇县金城镇去山东泰安乘火车怎么走最好? 苹果手机官网和实体店的价格一样吗?74 苹果手机官网和实体店价格是一样的吗424 张律师您好,我是工伤伤残一领到伤残金,,还有五个月就到了退休... 关于四级工伤的问题,我每个月的伤残津贴是按什么标准领取,是按...3 为什么人工分出来的蜜蜂不和新蜂王一起 请问四芯电话线与两芯电话线相比使用有什么不同?有什么优势呢? 1993年全年邮票现在多少钱? 2010年买的是230元。 想看看93年邮票到现在... 对于高端电视有好的推荐么,乐视超级电视X50 Pro这款电视怎么样?_百度... 世界寓言文学的三大发祥地是2 寓言故事文学载体3 以畅想未来为题的作文36 春天的诗句:江畔独步寻花七绝句