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HP load runner 测试软件是怎么测试?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 19:25



热心网友 时间:2022-04-08 22:45



使用LoadRunner的Virtual User Generator,您能很简便地创立起系统负载。该引擎能够生成虚拟用户,以虚拟用户的方式模拟真实用户的业务操作行为。它先记录下业务流程,然后将其转化为测试脚本。利用虚拟用户,您可以在Windows,UNIX或Linux机器上同时产生成千上万个用户访问。所以LoadRunner能极大的减少负载测试所需的硬件和人力资源。另外,LoadRunner的TurboLoad专利技术能提供很高的适应性。TurboLoad使您可以产生每天几十万名在线用户和数以百万计的点击数的负载。

Virtual users建立起后,您需要设定您的负载方案,业务流程组合和虚拟用户数量。用LoadRunner的Controller,您能很快组织起多用户的测试方案。Controller的Rendezvous功能提供一个互动的环境,在其中您既能建立起持续且循环的负载,又能管理和驱动负载测试方案。而且,您可以利用它的日程计划服务来定义用户在什么时候访问系统以产生负载。这样,您就能将测试过程自动化。同样您还可以用Controller来限定您的负载方案,在这个方案中所有的用户同时执行一个动作---如登陆到一个库存应用程序——来模拟峰值负载的情况。另外,您还能监测系统架构中各个组件的性能——包括服务器,数据库,网络设备等——来帮助客户决定系统的配置。

HP LoadRunner 软件



HP LoadRunner 可以在新系统或升级部署之前找出瓶颈所在,从而帮助您防止在生产过程中出现代价高昂的应用程序性能问题。该软件让您能够测量端对端性能、诊断出应用程序及系统瓶颈并让其发挥更好的性能 — 所有这一切都可以通过单点控制来实现。集成的载入测试、性能测试和应用程序应力测试功能将有助于减少在生产环境中测试和部署新应用程序和系统所需的成本和时间。

A software package for automated load testing as SAP, and other systems. HP LoadRunner helps prevent costly performance problems in proction, by identifying bottlenecks prior to deployment of a new system or upgrade existing.

HP LoadRunner enables cross-cutting measure performance, diagnose bottlenecks applications and systems, as well as customize them to increase proctivity - all using a single control center.
Built-in functions load testing, performance testing and stress testing for applications can rece costs and time required for testing and deployment of new applications and systems in a proction environment.

Hewlett Packard LoadRunner consists of three moles:
- Mole VuGen to create a load testing scripts. It records information about user interaction with the system as a software package that is replicated and reproced ring the test. This mole can be installed on any workstation where there is a workplace system under test.
- To create the load and parameter monitoring hardware and software configuration of the system in real time using the mole Controller. To monitor and the load is physically remote systems in the Controller mole, there submole Load Generator. This allows the testing process to consider the influence of network delays when working with the system from different points. Controller Mole manages the running tests on all generators load (Load Generator).
- After the end of the test data collected from the mole Controller transferred to the mole Analysis. It helps to visualize where in the software or hardware complex ring testing there were delays (bottlenecks) in processing information, analyzing the main characteristics of the system, procing the so-called "drill down", that is, in more detail and show in detail that it was in the test (what a transaction or a user name) has caused problems. Analysis mole can be installed both on the same physical machine as a mole Controller, and on a separate computer.

Key capabilities of Hewlett Packard LoadRunner:
- Obtaining accurate and complete picture of system performance
- Verification of conformity of new or updated applications specified performance requirements
- Identifying and removing bottlenecks in the work at the design stage
- Rece the time and stops the proction of unsatisfactory performance applications

Supported Technologies Hewlett Packard LoadRunner:
- Application Deployment Solution. For the Citrix and Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) protocols.
- Client / Server. For DB2 CLI, DNS, Informix, Microsoft. NET, MS SQL, ODBC, Oracle (2-tier), Sybase Ctlib, Sybase Dblib, and Windows Sockets protocols.
- Custom. C, Java, javascript, VB script, VB, VBNet types of scripts.
- Distributed systems. For COM / DCOM and Microsoft. NET protocols.
- E-business. For AJAX (Click and Script), AMF, FTP, LDAP, Microsoft. NET, Web (Click and Script), Web (HTTP / HTML) and Web Services protocols.
- Enterprise Java Beans. For EJB testing.
- ERP / CRM. For Oracle NCA, Oracle Web Applications 11i, Peoplesoft

Enterprise, Peoplesoft-Tuxedo, SAP-Web, SAPGUI, SAP (Click and Script), and Siebel (Siebel-DB2CLI, Siebel-MSSQL, Siebel-Oracle and Siebel-Web) protocols.
- Java. For Java Record / Replay protocol.
- Terminal Emulation (RTE).
- Mailing Services. Internet Messaging (IMAP), MS Exchange (MAPI), Post

Office Protocol (POP3) and Simple Mail Protocol (SMTP) .* Middleware. Jacada and Tuxedo (6, 7) protocols.
- MediaPlayer (MMS) and RealPlayer protocols.

HP LoadRunner became almost a de facto standard for companies that must ensure high reliability and scalability of applications and for this purpose should have a well-functioning system of testing, which allows to determine in advance how applications will behave under real operating conditions. HP LoadRunner provides an opportunity to test the entire IT infrastructure under the influence of any number of virtual users, emulating the traffic that would be created by real users. Each of the virtual users to make real transaction, and HP LoadRunner while measuring the response time, network latency, and performance of server and application parts, allowing you to identify "bottlenecks" of the system and configure it for maximum proctivity.

Developer: www.welcome.hp.com
Interface: English
Operating system: Windows
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