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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 19:04



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 13:02

Be a good student(做个好学生)

Wangliang is a good student~~

Yesterday,he was walking along the street with his friend~~

They happened on a piece of 100 Yuan on the ground~~Then his friend was happy and said,"we are fortunate!!let's buy some to drink!"

Wangliang refused at once,"the money is not belong to us,we can not use it.."

At that time,a man walked forward to them and asked,"Excuse me,have you find some money on the street?I lost it before,and I've turn back and look for it for a long time"

Wangliang asked him,"how much money did you lose?"

The man answered,"100 Yuan"

"Right,Here is your money"

"Thank you,good boys"

After Wangliang show him the money,they kept walking, meanwhile, a happy smile appeared on their face~~~~

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 13:02

Wangliang is a good student or

Wangliang picked up 100 yuan bill yesterday
Wangliang is a good student. Yesterday, while he was walking with his friend on the street. Suddenly, he saw a piece of paper. He picked it up and found it was 100 yuan bill. His friend was happy and said, "You are so lucky. Let's go for a drink!" But wangliang said:"No, it isn't ours." At that time, a man came over and asked wangliang, "Hello, have you seen my money?" Wangliang said:" Is this yours?" The man said;" Yes, yes, it is my money. thank you!""You're welcome" Wangliang replied and then he went back his home.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 13:02

wangliang is a good student.Yesterday,when he was walking with his friend in the street,sudenlly,he saw a piece of paper.He picked it up and found it is 100 yuan.His friend was happy,and said,“You are
so lucky!Go!Let's have a drink!”But wangliang said,“No,is isn't ours.”At the monment,a man came and asked wangliang,"Hello,do you saw my money?" wangliang said,"Is this your money?"The man said,"yes,yes,this is my money,thank you!""You are welcome."said Wangliang and then went to his home happily.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 13:03

Wangliang is a good student.Yesterday, while he was walking with his friend on the street,he saw a piece of paper sudenlly. He picked it up and found that it was 100 yuan. His friend was happy. He said,"You're so lucky! Come on! Let's go and have a drink!" However,wangliang said,"No,we can't.This isn't ours." At that time, a man came and asked wangliang,"Excuse me,have you seen my money?"
Wangliang said,"Is this money yours?" The man answered,"Oh,yes,this is my money,thank you!""You're welcome."Wangliang replied and went home.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 13:04

wangliang is a good student.Yesterday,he was walking with his friend on the street.sudenly,he saw a piece of paper.He picked it up and found it was 100-yuan bank note.His friend was happy,he said,"You are
lucky!Go!Let's have a drink!"But,wangliang said,"No,this is not ours."At this time,a man ask wangliang,"Hello,have you seen a 100-yuan bank note around here?"
wangliang said,"Is this yours?"The man said,"yes,yes,this is mine,thank you!""Your welcome."Wangliang said and went back home.
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