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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-13 17:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 05:31

Health, wealth and wisdom are far more important than that. 现在越来越多的人关心他们的健康。 More and more people are now concerned about their health. 不同的人会给出不同的回答。 Different people will give a different answer. 在我认为,下面的几件事应该记在脑海里。 In my view, the following few things should be recorded in the mind.
首先,有必要每天做运动。 First of all, it is necessary to do exercise every day. 据显示,做足够的运动使心脏跳得更快和肺工作得更好。 It has been shown to do enough exercise to make heart beat too quickly and lungs work better. 那就是为什么越来越多的人正在变得积极参与不同的运动。 That is why more and more people are becoming actively involved in different sports. 通过运动,人们变得更健康更强壮。 Through sports, people become more health, stronger. 第二,对于我们来说吃水果和蔬菜是非常必要的,因为他们提供维他命和帮助消化的过程。 Secondly, for us to eat fruits and vegetables are essential because they provide vitamins and help the digestion process.
第三,我们不得不保持均衡饮食和健康的饮食习惯。 Thirdly, we have to maintain a balanced diet and healthy eating habits. 不要吃含许多糖和脂肪的事物。 Many do not eat with sugar and fat things.
吃充分的富有蛋白质的食物。 Eat sufficient protein rich food. 最后,改掉像吸烟和酗酒的坏习惯也是一个重要的保持健康的方法。 Finally, Gaidiao like the bad habit of smoking and alcohol abuse is also an important way to stay healthy.

总之,如果我们记住我们刚谈到的,我们就会过着健康的生活。 In short, if we remember that we have just mentioned, we will live a healthy life.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 05:32

Health than riches and wisdom is much more important. Now more and more
Many people are concerned about their health. Different people are given
Different answers. In my opinion, the following a few things
This in mind.
First, it is necessary to do sports every day. According to the display, do
Plenty of exercise makes the heart beats faster and work more
Good. That is why more and more people are getting
Actively participate in different sports. Through sports, people become
More healthy stronger. Second, for us to eat
Fruits and vegetables are very necessary, because they provide
Vitamin and helps the digestive process.
Third, we have to keep a balanced diet and health
Eating habits. Don't eat the fat and sugar containing many things.
Eat the food of the rich protein adequately. Finally, the change
Like smoking and drinking habits is one of the important guarantee
The health of the method.
In short, if we remember we just talked about, we
Will a healthy life.

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Different people will give a different answer. 在我认为,下面的几件事应该记在脑海里。 In my view, the following few things should be recorded in the mind.首先,有必要每天做运动。 First of all, it is necessary to do exercise every day. 据显示,做足够的运动使心脏跳得更快和肺...




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