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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-11 01:43



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 23:04

Hope that through this article by the research and innovation management system capable of financing in the road, safety, maintenance, operation, management must work to provide help to the conservation of China's road of reform and improvement of the system to provide a reference, step by step so that an active market for road maintenance, road maintenance to achieve the perfection of market players, conservation investment decisions more scientific and increase the investment efficiency in the use of road maintenance to speed up the market graally moving towards the rule of law and standardization of health development. "期望通过本文的研究和所提出的管理*的创新,能够在公路融资、安全、养护、运营、管理等方面的工作提供一定的帮助,能对我国公路养护*的改革与完善提供一定的参考,使公路养护市场逐步活跃,实现公路养护市场主体的完善化,养护投资决策的科学化,提高投资的使用效益,加快公路养护市场逐步走向法制化、规范化的健康发展道路。”

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 23:04

Which English translation of genius to help me, my daughter is not grateful to ah! Boss rush, otherwise I leave it too bad! Thank you, thank you! !
Following is the English content:

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 23:04

It is expected that through the research and the innovation of management mechanism within this paper, a certain level of contribution could be provided to the financing, security, maitananance, operation and management of highways, as well as references to the reform and completation of the highway maintanance mechanism of our coutry, thus activating the highways maintanance market, completing the main market players, improving the scientific decision-making process of maintanance investment, promoting the efficiency of the high investment, speeding up the legislation, and standarization of highway maitanance market, and finnaly leading the market to the sound and healthy development.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 23:05

“the expectation management system's innovation which and proposed through this article research, can in aspect and so on road financing, security, maintenance, operation, management work provide certain help, can provides certain reference to our country highway maintenance system's reform and the consummation, causes the highway maintenance market to be graally active, realizes the highway maintenance market main body consummation, maintains the investment decision the scientific style, enhances the investment the operational effectiveness, speeds up the highway maintenance market to move toward the legalization, the standardized healthy development path graally.”

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 23:06

"It is hoped through this study and the proposed management system innovation financing in the road, safety, maintenance, operation, management must work to provide help to the conservation of China's road of reform and improvement of the system to provide a reference so that active markets for road maintenance, road maintenance to achieve the perfection of market players, conservation investment decisions more scientific and increase the investment efficiency in the use of road maintenance to speed up the market graally moving towards the rule of law and standardization of the healthy development of the road. "
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