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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-12 14:54



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 07:53

1.The ancient Chinese regarded fleshiness as beauty.
2.Though the scale of our school is not large enough,our inner is rich enough.
3.Although Chinese football is not as excellent as England,there are still a lot of people who love football deeply like your English.
4.We are very satisfied with the lunch supplied by the school and you can have a try certainly.
5.A number of people have their own interests ,such as playing instruments,playing football and basketball and cooking.6.We bring some snack foods made by ourselves and you can have a taste later.Certainly,you'd better use the chopstick.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 07:54

1. Ancient Chinese people are fat-beautiful.2. Although the school is not large enough, but our inner rich enough.3. the Englishman with you, we also have a lot of people love football, although Chinese football England team so badly.4. we provided to our school lunch is quite satisfactory, of course, you can try it yourself. 5. many people have their own interests and hobbies, such as playing musical instruments, playing football, basketball, cooking.6. we bring ourselves to do some snack foods, you can try, of course, you'd better to use chopsticks

热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 07:54

1。 古代中国人是以肥为美的
1. The ancient Chinese is fat for beauty
4. We provide to our school lunch is satisfactory, of course, you can try.5.许多人都有自己的兴趣爱好,比如演奏乐器、踢足球、打篮球、做菜。Many people have their own interests, such as playing a musical instrument, play football, basketball, cook.6.我们带来了自己做的一些小食品,等会你们可以尝尝,当然,你们最好. We brought a little food, etc. Will you can try, of course, you had better

热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 07:53

1.The ancient Chinese regarded fleshiness as beauty.
2.Though the scale of our school is not large enough,our inner is rich enough.
3.Although Chinese football is not as excellent as England,there are still a lot of people who love football deeply like your English.
4.We are very satisfied with the lunch supplied by the school and you can have a try certainly.
5.A number of people have their own interests ,such as playing instruments,playing football and basketball and cooking.6.We bring some snack foods made by ourselves and you can have a taste later.Certainly,you'd better use the chopstick.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 07:54

1. Ancient Chinese people are fat-beautiful.2. Although the school is not large enough, but our inner rich enough.3. the Englishman with you, we also have a lot of people love football, although Chinese football England team so badly.4. we provided to our school lunch is quite satisfactory, of course, you can try it yourself. 5. many people have their own interests and hobbies, such as playing musical instruments, playing football, basketball, cooking.6. we bring ourselves to do some snack foods, you can try, of course, you'd better to use chopsticks

热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 07:54

1。 古代中国人是以肥为美的
1. The ancient Chinese is fat for beauty
4. We provide to our school lunch is satisfactory, of course, you can try.5.许多人都有自己的兴趣爱好,比如演奏乐器、踢足球、打篮球、做菜。Many people have their own interests, such as playing a musical instrument, play football, basketball, cook.6.我们带来了自己做的一些小食品,等会你们可以尝尝,当然,你们最好. We brought a little food, etc. Will you can try, of course, you had better
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