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Swan Lake (Schwanensee) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-21 02:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 14:06

歌曲名:Swan Lake (Schwanensee)
歌手:Kriemhild Maria Siegel
专辑:Schwanensee (Swan Lake)

Dark Moor
Swan Lake
Her soul will be a swan
She feels
The love of nobleman
Forever her soul will be a swan
She feels
The love of nobleman
In swan lake
In swan lake
Tired to ride in the royal hunt
To listen sweet lies that I am wont
I am the prince!
The future king!
Boomed in my head my mother's voice
Take to wife! should be my choice
Oh, cruel fate!
That my soul hate!
To forget all I fled into the woods
Searching preys goods
Then I saw the lake
Lost in the deep forest
And its water chorused
An odd melody
Swans of nice white feather on the sk
Swam in a dance in harmonious masque
Hunter I am!
My bow was prepared
But her beauty was shown me in the depth
Spouting, silent, from the lake
And her pale look kept a sad poem
Lost in despair
Dragged into the warlock's lair
In the shadows
Her soul will be a swan
She feels
The love of nobleman
Forever her soul will be a swan
She feels
The love of nobleman
Like a night tide
Together we cried
Our lips sealed its secrets way
And my doubts died
But when came the dawn
My dream sank covered by dark waters
But her beauty was shown me in the depth
Spouting, silent, from the lake
And her pale look kept a sad poem
Lost in despair
Dragged into the warlock's lair
In the shadows
Her soul will be a swan
She feels
The love of nobleman
Forever her soul will be a swan
She feels
The love of nobleman
My princess's tears fall in the moonglade
The lake is afraid
The night shows the spell
Then I can feel my heart run into my chest
Now I know my quest
In the hell of the storm
I'll break her swan-form
So inside the waves
We will find our graves
But the warlock's curse will be broken
But her beauty was shown me in the depth
Spouting, silent, from the lake
And her pale look kept a sad poem
Lost in despair
Dragged into the warlock's lair
In the shadows
Her soul will be a swan
She feels
The love of nobleman
Forever her soul will be a swan
She feels
The love of nobleman
My princess's tears fall in the moonglade
The lake is afraid
The night shows the spell
Then I can feel my heart run into my chest
Now I know my quest
In the hell of the storm
I'll break her swan-form
So inside the waves
We will find our graves
But the warlock's curse will be broken
The Rothboart's curse will be broken
Our spirits will be free
Will fly
The sky
Over the green lake's trees
Forever our spirits will be free
Will fly
The sky
Over the green lake's trees
Remember us in the stars
Remember us in the stars

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