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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-19 04:00



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 15:37

Never thought you and I will never meet again
In the night, the heart hurts just the same
I guess I never can forget, the way we cast awayt of sorrow
And the look, of seeing this in your eyes
Never mind which one of us is more to take the blade
Though your sweet and you love, just the same
That night just can’t forget your smell and every tear drop out you cry
In the end , we undersatnd there were just a lonely game
Tell me what went wrong, why it go so wrong,
What we have was something we both wanted
Nothing’s left today, from the love we had
Like the sand ‘s slept away
You and I should have never let it come this far
We both known this game is gone within your way
But there is something in your eyes, that makes my heart still wanna try
To chase love, and can’t deline then the flame that would die
Don’t knw how it was, don’t know how it is
What we had, was castle in the sand, nothing is left to say
Just an emty space, and the broken pieces
Once you tell me just love each other, somehow love will keep both us together
If we believe we will be forever, please believe, please belive, please believe
Or make belive
Maybe we were both wrong, that is gone so wrong
What we had was castle in the sand, nothing’s left today
From the love we had, like the sand is slept away
What we had was castle in the sand
Nothing is left to say, nothing ever stays
From the dream of yeaterday
Just painful yesterday
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