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一首英文歌“Take My Hand”的歌词是什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 01:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 07:00

Take My Hand
歌手:Dido 专辑:No angel
Touch my skin,and tell me what you're thinking
Take my hand and show me where we're going
Lie down next to me, look into my eyes and tell me,
oh tell me what you're seeing
[00:30So sit on top of the world and tell me how you're feeling
what you feel now is what I feel for you
Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
I'll always be alone
if I'm lying to you
See my eyes, they carry your reflection
Watch my lips and hear the words I'm telling you
Give your trust to me and look into my heart and show me,
show me what you're doing
So sit on top of the world and tell me how you're feeling
what you feel now is what I feel for you

Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
I'll always be alone
if I'm lying to you
Take your time, if I'm lying to you
I know you'll find that you believe me
you believe me

Feel the sun on your face and tell me what you're thinking
Catch the snow on your tongue and show me how it tastes
Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
I'll always be alone
if I'm lying to you
Take your time, if I'm lying to you
[05:27.23I know you'll find that you believe me
you believe me

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 07:02

touch my skin,and tell me what you're th

take my hand and show me where we're goi

lie down next to me, look into my eyes a
nd tell me,
oh tell me what you're seeing

[00:30so sit on top of the world and tel
l me how you're feeling
what you feel now is what i feel for you
take my hand and if i'm lying to you
i'll always be alone
if i'm lying to you
see my eyes, they carry your reflection

watch my lips and hear the words i'm tel
ling you

give your trust to me and look into my h
eart and show me,
show me what you're doing

so sit on top of the world and tell me h
ow you're feeling
what you feel now is what i feel for you
take my hand and if i'm lying to you
i'll always be alone
if i'm lying to you
take your time, if i'm lying to you
i know you'll find that you believe me
you believe me

feel the sun on your face and tell me wh
at you're thinking

catch the snow on your tongue and show m
e how it tastes
take my hand and if i'm lying to you
i'll always be alone
if i'm lying to you
take your time, if i'm lying to you

[05:27.23i know you'll find that you bel
ieve me
you believe me

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 07:03

  Take My Hand
  歌手:Dido 专辑:No angel
  Touch my skin,and tell me what you're thinking
  Take my hand and show me where we're going
  Lie down next to me, look into my eyes and tell me,
  oh tell me what you're seeing
  [00:30So sit on top of the world and tell me how you're feeling
  what you feel now is what I feel for you
  Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
  I'll always be alone
  if I'm lying to you
  See my eyes, they carry your reflection
  Watch my lips and hear the words I'm telling you
  Give your trust to me and look into my heart and show me,
  show me what you're doing
  So sit on top of the world and tell me how you're feeling
  what you feel now is what I feel for you

  Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
  I'll always be alone
  if I'm lying to you
  Take your time, if I'm lying to you
  I know you'll find that you believe me
  you believe me

  Feel the sun on your face and tell me what you're thinking
  Catch the snow on your tongue and show me how it tastes
  Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
  I'll always be alone
  if I'm lying to you
  Take your time, if I'm lying to you
  [05:27.23I know you'll find that you believe me
  you believe me
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