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英语: 一、找出下列句子中的错误并改正。

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 20:31



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 08:33

1 在he 后加is
2 DO 改为Will
3 在I 后加will
4 SHOWS- > will show
5 stopped -> will stop
6 在TO后加be
7 IS -> am

1、the flat will belong to tom(tom划线)next year.
否定句:The flat wont' belong to Tom next year.
对划线部分提问:Who / Whom will the flat belong to next year ?

2、amy is going to do her homework(do her homework划线)to night.
一般疑问句:Is Amy going to do her homework to night?
否定回答:amy isn't going to do her homework to night.
对划线部分提问:What is Amy going to do tonight ?

3、jim will carry all the food.(all the food划线)(划线提问)
What will Jim carry ?

4、millie is studying chinese now.(把now改写成next year)
Millie is going to / will study Chinese next year.

5、eddie will go hiking this weekend.(把this weekend改写成last saturday)
Eddie went hiking last Saturday .

6、ben gets up later than su yang every day.(把every day改写成yesterday)
Ben got up later than you yesterday .

7、ther did some shopping just now.(把just now改写成now)
They are doing some shopping now .

8、lucy went to the zoo yesterday.(把yesterday改写成tomorrow)
Lucy will go to the zoo tomorrow.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 08:34

1、i think he is going to back in a week。 ________________
2、will we go to the zoo yomorow? ________________
3、where will you go tomorrow?i will see my uncle. ________________
4、my friend will show you the photo tomorrow. ________________
5、i think the rain will stop soon. ________________
6、there will be a meeting next week. ________________
7、i am going to give the book back to you soon. ________________
1、the flat will belong to tom(tom划线)next year.
否定句:the flat willn't belong to tomnext year.______________________
对划线部分提问:_whom will the flat belonged to next year____________________
2、amy is going to do her homework(do her homework划线)to night.
一般疑问句:is amy going to do her homework(do her homework划线)to night_
否定回答:no she is not_
对划线部分提问:_what will amy is going to do__to night_
3、jim will carry all the food.(all the food划线)(划线提问)
____what will jim carry_____________________
4、millie is studying chinese now.(把now改写成next year)
____millie will study chinese next year_____________________
5、eddie will go hiking this weekend.(把this weekend改写成last saturday)
___eddie went hiking last saterday______________________
6、ben gets up later than su yang every day.(把every day改写成yesterday)
___ben got up later than su yang yesterday______________________
7、ther did some shopping just now.(把just now改写成now)
____they are doing some shopping now_____________________
8、lucy went to the zoo yesterday.(把yesterday改写成tomorrow)
______lucy is going to the zoo tomorrow___________________

热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 08:34

1 在he 和going之间加is
3 will see
4 will show
5 would stop
6 to be a
7 i am
1 will not
whom the flat will belong to
2 is amy going to
amy is not
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