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The Rippingtons的《Bella Luna》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 07:03



热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 08:42

歌曲名:Bella Luna
歌手:The Rippingtons
专辑:Let It Ripp!

Jason Mraz - Bella Luna
Mystery the moon
A hole in the sky
A supernatural nightlight
So full but often right
A pair of eyes a closin' one
A chosen child of golden sun
A marble dog that chases cars
To farthest reaches of the beach
and far beyond into the swimming sea of stars
A cosmic fish they love to kiss
They're giving birth to constellation
No riffs and oh no reservation
If they should fall you get a wish or dedication
May I suggest you get the best
For nothing less than you and i
Let's take a chance as this romance
is rising over before we lose the lighting
Oh bella bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
You are an illuminated anchor
Of leads to infinite number
Crashing waves and breaking thunder
Tiding the evenflows of hunger
You're dancing naked there for me
You expose all memory
You make the most of boundary
You're the ghost of royalty imposing love
You are the queen and king combining everything
Into twining like a ring around the finger of a girl
I'm just a singer, you're the world
All I can bring ya
Is the language of a lover
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other
May I suggest you get the best
Of your wish may I insist
That no contest for little you or smaller i
A larger chance happened, all them they lie
On the rise, on the brink of our lives
Bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other, oh oh oh


热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 08:42

歌曲名:Bella Luna
歌手:The Rippingtons
专辑:Let It Ripp!

Jason Mraz - Bella Luna
Mystery the moon
A hole in the sky
A supernatural nightlight
So full but often right
A pair of eyes a closin' one
A chosen child of golden sun
A marble dog that chases cars
To farthest reaches of the beach
and far beyond into the swimming sea of stars
A cosmic fish they love to kiss
They're giving birth to constellation
No riffs and oh no reservation
If they should fall you get a wish or dedication
May I suggest you get the best
For nothing less than you and i
Let's take a chance as this romance
is rising over before we lose the lighting
Oh bella bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
You are an illuminated anchor
Of leads to infinite number
Crashing waves and breaking thunder
Tiding the evenflows of hunger
You're dancing naked there for me
You expose all memory
You make the most of boundary
You're the ghost of royalty imposing love
You are the queen and king combining everything
Into twining like a ring around the finger of a girl
I'm just a singer, you're the world
All I can bring ya
Is the language of a lover
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other
May I suggest you get the best
Of your wish may I insist
That no contest for little you or smaller i
A larger chance happened, all them they lie
On the rise, on the brink of our lives
Bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other, oh oh oh


热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 08:42

歌曲名:Bella Luna
歌手:The Rippingtons
专辑:Let It Ripp!

Jason Mraz - Bella Luna
Mystery the moon
A hole in the sky
A supernatural nightlight
So full but often right
A pair of eyes a closin' one
A chosen child of golden sun
A marble dog that chases cars
To farthest reaches of the beach
and far beyond into the swimming sea of stars
A cosmic fish they love to kiss
They're giving birth to constellation
No riffs and oh no reservation
If they should fall you get a wish or dedication
May I suggest you get the best
For nothing less than you and i
Let's take a chance as this romance
is rising over before we lose the lighting
Oh bella bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
You are an illuminated anchor
Of leads to infinite number
Crashing waves and breaking thunder
Tiding the evenflows of hunger
You're dancing naked there for me
You expose all memory
You make the most of boundary
You're the ghost of royalty imposing love
You are the queen and king combining everything
Into twining like a ring around the finger of a girl
I'm just a singer, you're the world
All I can bring ya
Is the language of a lover
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other
May I suggest you get the best
Of your wish may I insist
That no contest for little you or smaller i
A larger chance happened, all them they lie
On the rise, on the brink of our lives
Bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other, oh oh oh


热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 08:42

歌曲名:Bella Luna
歌手:The Rippingtons
专辑:Let It Ripp!

Jason Mraz - Bella Luna
Mystery the moon
A hole in the sky
A supernatural nightlight
So full but often right
A pair of eyes a closin' one
A chosen child of golden sun
A marble dog that chases cars
To farthest reaches of the beach
and far beyond into the swimming sea of stars
A cosmic fish they love to kiss
They're giving birth to constellation
No riffs and oh no reservation
If they should fall you get a wish or dedication
May I suggest you get the best
For nothing less than you and i
Let's take a chance as this romance
is rising over before we lose the lighting
Oh bella bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
You are an illuminated anchor
Of leads to infinite number
Crashing waves and breaking thunder
Tiding the evenflows of hunger
You're dancing naked there for me
You expose all memory
You make the most of boundary
You're the ghost of royalty imposing love
You are the queen and king combining everything
Into twining like a ring around the finger of a girl
I'm just a singer, you're the world
All I can bring ya
Is the language of a lover
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other
May I suggest you get the best
Of your wish may I insist
That no contest for little you or smaller i
A larger chance happened, all them they lie
On the rise, on the brink of our lives
Bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other, oh oh oh


热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 08:42

歌曲名:Bella Luna
歌手:The Rippingtons
专辑:Let It Ripp!

Jason Mraz - Bella Luna
Mystery the moon
A hole in the sky
A supernatural nightlight
So full but often right
A pair of eyes a closin' one
A chosen child of golden sun
A marble dog that chases cars
To farthest reaches of the beach
and far beyond into the swimming sea of stars
A cosmic fish they love to kiss
They're giving birth to constellation
No riffs and oh no reservation
If they should fall you get a wish or dedication
May I suggest you get the best
For nothing less than you and i
Let's take a chance as this romance
is rising over before we lose the lighting
Oh bella bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
You are an illuminated anchor
Of leads to infinite number
Crashing waves and breaking thunder
Tiding the evenflows of hunger
You're dancing naked there for me
You expose all memory
You make the most of boundary
You're the ghost of royalty imposing love
You are the queen and king combining everything
Into twining like a ring around the finger of a girl
I'm just a singer, you're the world
All I can bring ya
Is the language of a lover
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other
May I suggest you get the best
Of your wish may I insist
That no contest for little you or smaller i
A larger chance happened, all them they lie
On the rise, on the brink of our lives
Bella please
Bella you beautiful luna
Oh bella do you do
Bella luna, my beautiful beautiful moon
How you swoon me like no other, oh oh oh

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