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The Awakening 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 06:34



热心网友 时间:2024-05-19 01:57

歌曲名:The Awakening
专辑:The Awakening

The Awakening
From 梦境传说(Dreamtale)
More that you'll get, the more will you want
Nothing can please you, to cease you to yearn
You reach out for sun, you bore under ground
What lies there for you?
Searching for riches and treasures of old
Nothing can please your hunger for gold
Burrowing under, reaching for stars
But now you have reached too far
No! What have you done
Now it is time to pay
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
Once again I feel my heart
Beating my lifeblood through my veins
Woe upon thee and thy kind
For thou hast 'wakened the slumber of mine
Hatred shall be my wine
Fear my meat
With your soul I shall feast
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
You can feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed


热心网友 时间:2024-05-19 01:57

歌曲名:The Awakening
专辑:The Awakening

The Awakening
From 梦境传说(Dreamtale)
More that you'll get, the more will you want
Nothing can please you, to cease you to yearn
You reach out for sun, you bore under ground
What lies there for you?
Searching for riches and treasures of old
Nothing can please your hunger for gold
Burrowing under, reaching for stars
But now you have reached too far
No! What have you done
Now it is time to pay
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
Once again I feel my heart
Beating my lifeblood through my veins
Woe upon thee and thy kind
For thou hast 'wakened the slumber of mine
Hatred shall be my wine
Fear my meat
With your soul I shall feast
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
You can feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed


热心网友 时间:2024-05-19 01:57

歌曲名:The Awakening
专辑:The Awakening

The Awakening
From 梦境传说(Dreamtale)
More that you'll get, the more will you want
Nothing can please you, to cease you to yearn
You reach out for sun, you bore under ground
What lies there for you?
Searching for riches and treasures of old
Nothing can please your hunger for gold
Burrowing under, reaching for stars
But now you have reached too far
No! What have you done
Now it is time to pay
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
Once again I feel my heart
Beating my lifeblood through my veins
Woe upon thee and thy kind
For thou hast 'wakened the slumber of mine
Hatred shall be my wine
Fear my meat
With your soul I shall feast
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
You can feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed


热心网友 时间:2024-05-19 01:57

歌曲名:The Awakening
专辑:The Awakening

The Awakening
From 梦境传说(Dreamtale)
More that you'll get, the more will you want
Nothing can please you, to cease you to yearn
You reach out for sun, you bore under ground
What lies there for you?
Searching for riches and treasures of old
Nothing can please your hunger for gold
Burrowing under, reaching for stars
But now you have reached too far
No! What have you done
Now it is time to pay
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
Once again I feel my heart
Beating my lifeblood through my veins
Woe upon thee and thy kind
For thou hast 'wakened the slumber of mine
Hatred shall be my wine
Fear my meat
With your soul I shall feast
Feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed
You can feel your heart
Beating in the dark
You've invoked the beast beneath
No one can hear your scream
Now the spiral is spinning too fast
Any second might be your last
Your heart was led by greed
From your soul the beast will feed

我有个无线路由器 G11手机无法上wifi 已经按照路由说明书上步骤安装调... g11无线网显示以连接信号强但是一上网显示网络错误 拜求解 HTC G11能连接上WLAN,信号显示“极强”但上不去网? ...可是家里的能连上就是打不开网页,我的路由是上海贝尔的那种。_百度... 我的手机HTC G11 连接上WLAN,信号很好,就是无法上网 ...连上家里的无线网,但是qq却上不去,网页也打不开,等于没练上一样... G11WIFI信号格满但是打不开网页等 就生产力发展而言,丛西汉至唐朝有何表现 汉代农业的发展程度是怎么样的? 你好 酷管家密码忘了 打不开怎么办 梦幻西游酒肆划算还是大蓝 梦幻用仙玉换的秘制大蓝吃划算还是用祥瑞大鱼划算,本人5开,有两个狮... 美元兑乌克兰币 有伤的青梅可以划开泡酒吗 关于勤奋的小故事(250字左右)去拷一个回来也可以 国家为什么不禁止料理包 脱毛膏用后有些红点,痛,自己能好吗? 脱毛红点咋回事 耀灵上神和月神上神为什么有仇恨 用脱毛蜡纸后长小红点 月灵上神为何黑化 新繁回头客食品公司厂里上班怎么样 成都全益食品厂累不累 空间昵称起名 仙人下棋怎么写作文 ...后来看两个仙人下棋,下山时发现斧头腐朽了,村子里的人们老了,这首... ...看见两个人下棋 等看完后发现斧头烂了 过了几十年的诗句 女命八字月支旬空,月支与日支相冲,月干为七杀官星,月干被年支比劫合... ...somebody at/from someplace Get fetch / pick up的意思,曾经的英语... ...积液,但是过性生活是出现腹痛,医生说是有盆腔炎,叫我做了短波,有... there is ni need to sream 梦幻西游5开捉鬼做任务是买大红大蓝比较省钱还是买个金鱼祥瑞比较省钱... 梦幻西游是吃包子和紫丹罗还是吃大红和大蓝便宜 一月花费65万吃饭7万,女儿王诗龄10万背包,李湘为什么这么有钱?_百度知 ... ...它干的最快《一整瓶都干,成为一个大的固体》?需要多久? 梦幻西游法系酒肆划算还是大蓝划算 梦幻西游5开吃用大红蓝好还是金鱼好 明天在线最少8小时 自己算了下大... he is too common to be picked out from the crowd 怎么翻译 英语翻译people said gold could easily be picked up by washing sa... 你好我是茂名的,常听说茂名有些人做油很赚钱,都是大老板,他们做的是什... ...语法?为什么加be? 为什么不是pick ,而是用picked ? 孤儿院养到几岁 急求解答谢谢 英语急求 对目标企业进行并购前的法律尽职调查显得尤为重要 从业务功能角度,法律尽职调查主要是为了( ) 孕13周吃什么吐什么咋回事 梦见胎梦自己生男孩子的预兆 高温杀菌和光波杀菌有什么区别 究和研究有什么区别? 光波物理消毒和红外高温消毒哪个好