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求高手批改翻译句子 谢谢大家

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 09:43



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:32

61. 这一句表达错误,因为在英语这个"後悔不听老人言"句子是很常用的。
正确写法是: How I wish I have done it the way like what he said (told me).

62. 这个句子可以简洁一些为:
The main reason for using of metallic currency(/ money) is easier for carrying about.

63. 这个句子可以用过在式,因为虽然说的时候这场雪应该还未停,但已经是迟了。
It was because of this heavy snow that we were all late.

64. 简单是simple不是easy,遵守obey这去式是: obeyed
Even for the simplest job, regulations should still be obeyed.

65. 基础科学知识写错了,应该是: the basis of scientific knowledge 或 Fundamental scientific knowledge。这些问题及答案则是: these questions and their answers.

(Fundamental scientific knowledge) The basis of scientific knowledge can help us to understand these questions and their answers.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:32

61. How nice it could have been if I had done what he told me to do.
62. Easy to be carried about is one of the reasons why medals are used to proce money. 或者, One of the reasons why medals are used to proce money is its easiness to be carried about.
63. It is this very heavy snow that makes everyone late.
64. Even if the work may be simple, one should still follow the regulations.
65. The knowledge about fundamental sciences will help us understand these questions answers.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:33

61.It would be good result if I had done it as he said.
62.Easy to carry about is one of the main reasons for using metal coins.
63.It was this heavy snow that caused us late.
64.Rules and discipline must be followed even if it's an easy job.
65.Fundamental science knowledge can help us to understand these problems and answers.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:33

61.It would be great if I had done it like he said.
62.Easy to be carried about is one of the main reasons of using metal coins.
63.It was this heavy snow that made us late.
64.Regulations should be obeyed even if it's an easy job.
65.Basic science knowledge can help us to understand these problems and their answers.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:34

【61】 It would be better if I did as he told at that time.
【62】 One of the prime reasons why metal is used for currency is that it is easy to carry about.
【63】 It is because of the heavy snow that we are late.
【64】 We should observe the rules and regulations even if we are doing simple job.
【65】 Basic scientific knowledge can help us understand these questions and their answers.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 04:35

1.If I had done it as he said, it would be fine now.
2.One of the fundamental reasons of using metal currency is that it is convenient to carry about.
3.It was the heavy snow that made us late.(强调句)
4.Even if the easiest work,we should obey the regulations.
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