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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 08:35



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 06:42

Gettysburg Address is the most famous speech by Abraham Lincoln, as well as the political speech quoted most often in American history. On November 19, 1863, the right day after four and a half months of the American Civil War battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln gave this speech in the ceremony of Gettysburg National Cemetery, State Pennsylvania, in mourning for the passed-away officers and soldiers who dead for the Battle of Gettysburg in the lasting five and a half months. Lincoln's speech issued as a second priority, with exquisite and fine rhetoric, finally became one of the greatest speeches in US history. within less than three hundred words and just 2-3 minutes , Lincoln expressed in his speech the principle that all are born equal, and redefined the war to be an endeavor to fight not only for the survival or the federation, but also for "the rebirth of freedom", and bringing justice to all citizens.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 06:43


Gettysburg Address is Abraham Lincoln's most famous speech, and also a political speech being most-cited in US history. On November 19, 1863, the right day after four and a half months of the American Civil War battle of Gettysburg, Lincoln gave this speech in the ceremony of Gettysburg National Cemetery, State Pennsylvania, in mourning for the passed-away officers and soldiers who dead for the Battle of Gettysburg in the lasting five and a half months. Lincoln's speech issued as a second priority, with exquisite and fine rhetoric, fianlly became one of the greatest speeches in US history. within less than three hundred words and just 2-3 minutes , Lincoln appealed to the principle of equality, which was supported by the Declaration of Independence, and re-defined the meaning of this civil war. That is, it is not only a struggle for the survival of the federal, but also "the freedom to the new ", which would bring a true equality to all the citizens.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 06:43

Gettysburg speaks in public Abraham • Lincoln most famous speech, is also in the American history the manner quotation most political nature speeches. In November 19, 1863, just when in the American civil war the Gettysburg campaign ended latter four half a month, Lincoln (Gettysburg National Cemetery) unveils in the formula publication in the Pennsylvania Gettysburg's Gettysburg national cemetery is the speech, mourns in is the officers and men who 5 half a month service in the Gettysburg died in battle. Lincoln's lecture in same day second cis-position publication, rhetoric exquisite thorough, after that becomes in the American history one of greatest speeches. By the insufficiency 300 character's numbers of words, two to three minutes time, Lincoln resorts to every life which the Declaration of Independence supports, but principle of the equal, and redefines this civil war, continues is lasts for the federation struggles, but is “new student of the freedom”, really will be equal takes to all the citizen.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 06:44


Gettysburg Adress is the most famous speech by Abraham Lincoln, as well as the political speech quoted most often in American history. In November 19, 1863, four and a half months after the end of American Civil War,Lincoln delivered the said speech on the openning ceremony of the Gettysburg National Cemetery,Pennsylvania,to mourn over the officers and soldiers who got killed in the the Gettysburg battle, which had lasted five and half months. This speech got published the same day it was delivered and was to become one of greatest speeches in American history, thanks to its well-planned logic and beautiful rhetoric. In less than 300 words and no more than two or three minutes, Lincoln expressed in his speech the principle that all are born equal, and redefined the war to be an endeavor to fight not only for the survival or the federation, but also for "the rebirth of freedom", and bringing justice to all citizens.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 06:44




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热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 06:45

Gettysburg Speech is the most famous speech of Abraham•Lincoln , is also a history of the United States being the most-cited political speech. On November 19 , 1863, it happen that Gettysburg battle ends last four half moon in Civil War, Lincoln announces the officers and men who delivers a speech , grieves over to be killed in action in long battle of amounting to semimonthly 5 Gettysburg of being in Pennsylvania Gettysburg Gettysburg country cemetary (Gettysburg National Cemetery) unveiling ceremony. Lincolnian lecturing second falls in with a place on that very day announce, rhetoric is exquisite thorough , become one of the greatest USA speech in history afterwards. The word numbers with three hundred insufficient characters , two time to three minutes, Lincoln appeals to all life supported by Declaration of Independence but equal that principle, defines and this civil war again , does not stop being to continue but struggle for federation exists, "freshman of being free" but, brings real equality to the entire citizen.
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