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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 02:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 08:16

Due to Sino-Japanese War, the Nationalist Government in China denied to attend 1932 Summer Olympics. However, the Japanese puppet state in northeast China, Manchukuo, announced that two athletes, Liu Chang-chun and Yu Xi-wei would represent Manchukuo to attend 1932 Summer Olympics through de-facto government-controlled newspaper.

May 1932, Liu Chang-chun proclaimed that as a Chinese, he never represented the puppet state of Manchukuo to attend 10th Summer Olympic Games in a Chinese newspaper, Ta Kung Pao. Liu denied to represent Manchukuo, and was willing to represent China to attend 10th Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

Liu found it difficult to attend 10th Summer Olympic Games because he was not financed by the Nationalist Government. His trip came true after General Zhang Xue-liang (Chang Hsüeh-liang) provided 8,000 Silver Dollars (Yin-yuan) to Liu
31 July, the first racing day, Liu attended 100m preliminary, and he was arranged in group 2, which had 6 athletes involved. In the diary of Liu, "The winner ran faster than me about 4 yards at the end, his time was 10.9 sec. Liu said, "I was the fourth runner-up, the time was about 11 sec. In this competition, I got ahead before 60m, however, other competitors overtook me after 80 m. I cannot get a better result e to exhaustion from a month-long journey to U.S.,and lack of exercise ring the journey."

Liu registered for Men's 100m, 200m, and 400m. He, however, gave up to attend Men's 400m e to tiredness. Liu failed to get a place in Final of Men's 100m and 200m. Liu left Los Angeles in 21 August, and arrived Shanghai in 16 Sepetmber.

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