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what do you think comestic surgery, is it good or bad?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 06:00



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 06:36

写这种东西我不懂, 但以下这篇文章对你进行演讲或许有帮助, 你且看看吧! :)

Isa del Rosal, a junior at SMU, decided she wanted to "fix her lumpy nose" at the age of 16. Her father was completely against the idea. However, her mom understood and agreed to the surgery. Isa has since had three total rhinoplasties, all of which were performed in her hometown of Chihuahua, Mexico. She broke her nose twice after her original surgery and said she was very lucky to have three successful surgeries. "I love it and wish I had done it sooner," said Rosal.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 47,395 nose-reshaping surgeries occurred in 2005 on men and women 18 years of age and younger. In 2005 total cosmetic proceres were up 15 percent among ages 19 to 34. Botox injections increased 388 percent between the years 2000 and 2005. Augmentation mammaplasty (breast augmentations) increased 37 percent in the same time frame. In the same year and age bracket 142,072 breast augmentations occurred. Last year there were 3,581 breast augmentations performed on women ages 18 and younger.

Plastic surgery is no longer exclusively for the wrinkled and the aging. One of the most popular high school and college graation gifts in recent years has been plastic surgery say some doctors and patients.

Rhinoplasty (nose reconstructions) and augmentation mammaplasty (breast augmentations) are among the top requested surgeries. It seems women in particular are more and more concerned with their image than ever before.

"Take the show 'The O.C.' for example. People in their 20s are playing people in high school," said Dr. David Caplin, a plastic surgeon in St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Caplin believes a lot of young people turn to plastic surgery because they are looking to emulate the stars.

"Overall, the way things are changing in our society, older people really want to look younger, and younger people really want to look older," said Dr. Caplin.

The number of young alts seeking plastic surgery is at an all time high, according to Dr. Caplin. Young female alts ranging between ages 17 and 22 often inquire about breast augmentation, liposuction and nose reconstruction. Injectables, also known as fillers, are the most popular among the 22 to 27-year-old patients he says. This includes Botox, lip enhancements and, most recently, lipo dissolve.
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