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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 22:52



热心网友 时间:2023-09-23 04:21

If i fail this match,i won't regret,for i have learn a lot from it.i will summary my experience and keep on playing as well as i could.
Tennis is my favourite sport.Because playing tennis can keepevery part of my body fit.
Yes,the weather now is my favourite.
I would like to live in the city with the beautiful scenery and compatible environment.For i think it good to grow up heathily in such a city.
I like living in the family with compatible and warm environment.I think it will help my growing - up.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-23 04:21

1.Even if I lost the game this time,I would not regret. I have learned a lot new experiences from it at least,and I will keep going on by reviewing my faults.

2.My favorite sport is tennis because it can excise all parts of my body suffciently.

3.Yes,this is the weather I like most.

4.I woulld like to live in a city which has a beautiful enviorment and a homoney circumstances,which,I think, will benefit my development.

5.I love to have a family with harmony and warm surroundings because it is good to my development.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-23 04:22

1. If I lose in the match, I will not fell sorry. It is becasue from this match, I can learn a lot. I will make a review and I will do much better next time.

2. My favourite sport is tennis because playing tennis can train my whole body and keep my body fit.

3. Yes, the current weather is what I liked the best.

4. I like/want to live in a peaceful and comfortable city, because I think I can grow up better.

5. I like/want to have a comfortable and warm home. I think I can grow up very well here.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-23 04:22

1.If I failed this competiom,I would no regret,because I've learned a lot from it and I would sum up my experiences and try again.
2.My most favorit sports is tennis,because playing tennis can fully exercise every part of my body.
3.Yes,this weather I like most.
4.I would like to live in a beautiful and harmonious city because I think it is good for my grow-up.
5.I would like to stay in a family which full of warmth and harmony because I think it will help my grow-up.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-23 04:23

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