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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 00:59



热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 13:27

1. I really miss the days which i stayed with my brother at the end of October in Beijing , very short, but very memorable.

2. During the day, with his camera, according to our plans Dao Chuguang, visiting the many tourist attractions, very happy.

3. Test is near, time is pressing, nervous and busy

5.When everything is over, we can do what we like to do things

热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 13:27

1。Good memories in October of stay in Beijing and brother in those days, very short, but very unforgettable
2。During the day. With my camera, according to their plan, stroll everywhere around the many tourist attractions, very happy
3。The exams are near, time is pressing, atmosphere and nervous, everyone in the busy

热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 13:28

1. I really miss the days which i stayed with my brother at the end of October in Beijing , very short, but very memorable.

2. During the day, with his camera, according to our plans Dao Chuguang, visiting the many tourist attractions, very happy.

3. Test is near, time is pressing, nervous and busy

5。when its ending,we can do things we want to.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 13:28

1.Miss those days stayed in Beijing with my brother in October, very short, but very unforgettable.
2. During the day, with his camera, according to our plans Dao Chuguang, visiting the many tourist attractions, very happy.
3. Test is near, time is pressing, nervous and busy
5。when its ending,we can do things we want to.
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