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美术(VA)功课!!要揾15种technique 要有英文名同example...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 00:54



热心网友 时间:2023-09-30 08:47






我系要d hatching
gratation 个d
唔系le d ..cut.. draw le d 幼稚园都识ge野

stick example:I stick some flower on the paper. tie example:I tie some rope on the roll of paper. staple example:I staple some blue paper on the red paper add example:I add some flower on the pink paper. fold example:I fold the grey paper. cut example:I cut the paper in half. draw example:I draw a cute bear on my shirt. THERE ARE ONLY 7 WORDS
Colour gradation - from one colour to another Hatching - parallel lines are drawn Tonal Gradation - from dark to light Hatching with different colours Wipe - lay a sheet of paper Strokes - like the animals's Clanis Broken lines - It is a zag-zig line Directional lines - have sense of direction of lines Pencil Tip Side - cross curve lines Layering - the bright catalogues colours result in a subtle rection in brilliance Pointilison - It is said althougeter there are serveral millon different colours and white it would be a very different taste to try and masker the use of all of these.
1. spirals 2. crosshatching 3. loops 4. free scribble 5. scales 6. parallel 7. short vertical strokes 8. zigzag 9. check marks 10. veins 11. circles 12. feathers 13. waves 15. dots/stippling sorry about that i can just give you 14 because i just learned that14 and i don't have examples
but you can find some of the pictures in google. Hope that can help you... 2007-08-27 10:51:37 补充: 2. crosshatching
参考: markville s. s. gr.9 art course(the course that i took=]])
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